Nesting George

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It all started with a single hoodie.

Slowly more and more of Dream's clothes started dissapearing.

Dream also noticed his mate had started to spend less time with him, and instead preferred to spend his time in their bedroom, sleeping.

Now don't get him wrong, he didn't blame his omega for it. They spend George's last heat together, and ever since then, he had been avoiding the alpha.

It's normal for an omega to want to be alone after a heat, wether they did it accidentally or on purpose, but this was just getting out of hand.

Dream walked through the door of his appartment.

He wanted to change into something comfortable so he could immediatly go to sleep.

He entered his room, and opened his closet, only to see almost all his clothes gone, including his pajamas.

He then heard a small thud coming from the guest bedroom, where George slept while he was busy avoiding Dream.

It sounded like George fell out of his bed, so Dream went to see if he was okay.

Dream walked over to the door next to his. He hasitantely knocked, incase the omega still didn't want to see him.

"Yes?" A small voice asked, sounding unsure.

"It's Dream", He replied, trying not to sound impatient, knowing it will make the omega nervous.

He heard soft footsteps coming from inside before the handle clicked.

The door was opened far enough so Dream could see George, but not the room itself.

He saw George poke his face out, looking at Dream with glassy eyes.

"What do you need?"

Dream tried not to look concerned, but failed terribly.

"Are you okay? I haven't seen you since forever, and i heard a loud thud coming from your room.

George suddenly seemed nervous.
"Uhm- yeah, I-Im okay"

"Are you sure? You look kinda pale. You should go to bed."

Dream pushed the door further open, when his eyes landed on George's bed.

The bed was full of his clothes.
From tiny things like a scarf, to bigger things like bedsheets that were supposed to be in the wash.

He looked over at George to question him, when he realised that George was wearing one of his hoodies.

Without noticing, a low growl came out the alpha. George had already started to back away from Dream, but was too scared to turn his back to open the door.

Too soon, George felt the wall meet his back.

Dream slowly walked up to George, like a predator walking up to it's prey.

"Have you been nesting?" The alpha growled out, reaching out to touch the Omega's arm.

George flinched, but knew he shouldn't risk making the alpha angry, especially right now.

When alpha's let their instincts take over, even for a little bit, they become unpredictable.

"I-I'm sorry-" the omega wasn't able to finish his sentence, because he got picked up by the alpha.

"Never say you're sorry for doing something that's natural", the alpha growled out, laying the omega down in his nest.

"Just try to tell me before you steal all my clothes."

The alpha smiled, which turned into a laugh, that turned into a wheeze, before looking back at the omega.

George was relieved to see the alpha wasn't mad, and he relaxed a little bit.

When Dream leaned away so could stand up and leave, George tugged on his sleeve.

"Please stay?" He murmured, looking down embarrassed.

Dream felt a coo bubbling in his troath. He leaned down and slotted his and George's necks together, scenting his omega.

The laid down with George, the omega purring until he fell asleep.

As Dream closed his eyes, he could only think one thing:



Hello, I'm back again. I told you this chapter would be longer.

Hopefully I'll be able to make the next chapter some smut.

Requests are open, so feel free to leave them here.

And remember: I love you ♡


673 words

Off The Snapmap  (DreamNotFound/GeorgeWasTaken Smut, Includes Other Ships)Where stories live. Discover now