Past in another world

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Serafina's POV

"Well, what else is there?" Po asked me

"What do you mean?" I said

"I mean, which other things are new to us, like this big thin box-" I cut him off and remind him for the hundredth time

"Po, it's called a laptop, not a big thin rectangular box. There are many gadgets like that" I tell him while eating his special noodles.

After the whole 'magic' scenario Shifu and the five decided to study more things about me in some scrolls. It's not that I don't like it, but how can a scroll tell everything about me? And I prefer books than a scroll.

I was very hungry and wanted to eat something at the instance and Po, well he didn't want to 'study' cause he is cool. Which is true though his statements nothing to do with the situation. So he decided that he will cook something for me which I think he did to escape from tons of scrolls or as Shifu says 'wisdom'

"Yeah right. The next thing you will say is that with the help of the nobile I can draw my colour image which looks exactly like me" he said, while keeping a bowl full of noodles on the table, the sat and eat everything or should I say gobbled everything. I chuckled. He is so cute. My hands instantly went to pull his cheeks and he made an irritated face as if someone told him to climb the stairs up and down Ten times. I laughed.

"Actually Po, you can do it." I said, he stopped in the middle of eating his noodle and looked at me. There was silence for a good amount of seconds before he burst out saying "Whaaaaaaaat!!"

I backed away a bit due to this sudden outburst, he noticed it "oops sorry" he quickly apologized "It's alright" I assured him with a smile.

"See" I opened my phone in front of him which was a mistake because I have a Kung Fu Panda wallpaper and he saw it "Woaaaaah, it's me! This is awesome!" He shouted in my ears. Mann this hurts. "Will you stop shouting?" I said sternly and he gulped.

"You know, you are speaking like Shifu now" he said. There was a short silence before we both burst out laughing. "You are so right!" I said

"You'll never be the dragon warrior unless you lose 500 pounds and brush your teeth" I imitated while placing 2 bowls on my ears pretending and a noodle above my upper lip to look like Shifu. Po laughed

"What is that noise you are making? Laughter I've never heard of it." I continued, Po laughed more and more, to the point where he almost fell off his chair. I know I am copying him but, I guess it's alright. Po won't mind, would he? Forgetting all this I continued.

"Work hard Panda and maybe someday you will have ears like mine" I brought the bowls higher and pretended to act wisely, Po got up while laughing and sat on his chair while laughing, and suddenly he stopped there was silence.

Uh-huh this is not good. I know this part. I slowly turned around to see a very stern Shifu, anger on his face his hands were touching his ears, somehow mocking me, I controlled the urge to laugh. Then I saw the five behind him, Tigress, Viper and Crane were serious whereas Monkey and Mantis were barely controlling their laughter.

"I assume you ate very well, Serafina" Master Shifu said in his strict tone

"Uhh Yes master I have hehe" I shattered "Sorry about that act" I said Shifu raised his eyebrow "Uh Y-you see, I saw this movie like a million times, so I remembered the lines well." I explained "Well then, I guess this 'sharp' memory of yours will also remember many scrolls right?" Shifu Said and I nervously laughed.

"Wait a minute" Mantis spoke "did you just say 'I saw the movie'? Which movie?" He asked me

"Ohh I meant Kung Fu Panda! It's a great movie you should see it, wait but you live in it so how can yo-" My rambling was cut by a squeal which was Po

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