7. Hurt

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Kiara's POV

The sound of the plate when it fell on the floor seems to make an echo in my ears.

"Ah!" I faked the scream to make sure that Ronnie heard me. And I didn't failed...

"What the h*ll happened?! I just went to my room for a second--- oh shit! Are you okay?! Get off there!" She continuosly said after she appeared at the kitchen because of the loud sounds that I made.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine..." I just said.

I know she's my abductor so I should, no, I MUST NOT feel guilt about what's happening!

"Stay there, I will clean this up." She said after making sure that I was already far from the shattered plates.

"Careful! You might cut your---" I was just about to warn her when she shouted.


And then I saw red on her hands.

Oh gosh, I'm hating this right now...

Ronnie's POV

I made Kiara wash the dishes because I will go upstairs on my room to get my pillow, blanket and stuffs.


Oh, I will sleep at Kiara's room.


I didn't actually planned this, I just thought of it while eating and why not?

I told her I will do something, and I was in the middle of counting how many pillows I will bring when my eyes caught the screen that was connected to the CCTV.

Yes, I have that installed on every part of the house. That is necessary when you abducted someone and let them wander around the house.

I mean, they could always do something weird, like what Kiara is at the moment.

I saw her looking everywhere in the kitchen.

What is she doing?

I stopped fixing my stuffs and looked at the screen intently.

. . .

I don't know what her intension is when she decided to pull that, but if she intentionally broke the dishes, then I will intentionally hurt myself to see how she reacts.

And also, to make her feel the guilt of doing that kind of thing...

"Careful! You might cut your---" I heard her say before I shouted.


I am not really THAT hurt. I've experienced worse than this. And I think I just put myself on bruising situations too many times to make my pain tolerance high.

"I told you to be careful!" She madly said and got my hands away from the torn pieces of plate on the floor.

"Well, if you didn't let the plates fall down then I wouldn't have to clean it up and nothing of this would happen!" I wasn't able to hold myself back because those are the words playing inside my head since A WHILE.

I saw her expression changed a bit. Now, now... Someone is feeling guilty...

"Well, if you just washed them instead! You can always do whatever you're gonna do after!" She kept her facade, somehow kept it...

I was about to shout again when I remembered that I will make her guilty so I lowered my voice a bit, just calm enough to let her believe that what I was saying is true. Not too calm to the point that it's noticeable that I'm just faking it.

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