5. Q&A

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Ronnie's POV

"Whatever. So how are you related to me? What is your possible motive of doing this?" She said.

I didn't mind her way of talking to me. I'm just happy about it. This is a sign that she's getting comfortable enough to talk back.

I didn't want to scare her in the first place...

But what did she say? My motive? "Well... I want you to fall in love with me. And I will make it possible here. You won't be able to comeback until you fall DEEPLY in love with this face of mine."

<( ̄︶ ̄)>

"and why do you want me to fall in love with you?" She said with a scrunched face.

That question...


"The bet has rules of course. But I only have one tho, so don't worry." Ryan said

"What is it?" I replied boredly.

"No cheating." He said seriously

"Huh?" I was confused because what he uttered was really confusing and too vague.

"Any form of cheating is not allowed. I intentionally made it broad because I know you will find some way to do your dirty works. You know what cheating is. You're smart. Just avoid those." He replied.

"Yeah. We know you. You always find your ways and always get through with it by your reasonings." Daniel backed up Ryan

"Okay. Say for instance, you cannot tell her about the dare. That's a major cheat. What if you told her and she agreed to act that she's in love with you because she wants the news out too? And she wants to go home?" Daniel added on what he said first.

"That's right. Once any form of cheating was done, the dare is off. For sure a lot of people have copies of that. I was just blocking them from posting. They're like prisons, and I'll be opening the cell once you cheated." Ryan said.

"And they'll be more than happy to run out of the cell" Daniel said

"Oh what good friends do I have!" I sarcastically said.

He shrugged. "You know me. I do what I say."

"I know." That's all I said. I guess I have to play this game fair and square...


I cannot tell her the answer in that question...

So I came up with the lamest answer that someone could possibly say, "I just liked you because of our UNUSUAL first meeting at the party"


"What? Not all girls treat me like that. You caught my attention and interest! Plus, haven't you seen yourself in a mirror? Your gorgeous!" All of those are not total lies, right?

"I get your point miss abductor, but to answer your question, no. I haven't seen myself in a mirror, only my reflection. Don't you think it'll be scary if I found myself inside a mirror?"

"Oh what a way to kill the mood!" I said. Dodging her questions.

Nothing is more powerful to avert attention of people by complementing them. That's just how normal brain works.

"Oh what a way to avert my attention in asking questions! I'm not an idiot you know!" She said

She doesn't have a normal brain I guess?

( ̄³ ̄)

But it still kinda work tho? I don't want her to notice that I'm lying, that's also why I'm trying to distract her.

But I don't know her capabilities of reading a person, so she still might see through me. I have to keep my guards up. Never underestimate a person you don't know.

And the fact that she noticed that I'm trying to change the topic says a lot about her observation skill.

"Smart and beautiful? What a rare woman!" I continued my facade.

She just rolled her eyes, "whatever. My next question is who abducted me. Really. Those men that I saw outside the room when I woke up? Where are the other people by the way? How many people are in this island? I want to meet the chef! What we ate is REALLY REALLY GOOD! I haven't tasted anything like that before! And I want to learn how to cook. Since I feel like I'm going to stay here for a quite some time, might as well have something to do."

Wow, so she means it'll tame her a GREAT amount of time to fall for me? I'm alright... My ego isn't hurt...

"Woah. Easy tiger. The enemy is weak, no need to fire multiple bullets. But to answer those questions...

First, you asked who abducted you. As I said on the boat, I abducted you and not those men. Like I'm going to let them touch you? No way!

And to answer two of your other questions, there are no other people here in the island because I sent them all away. I noticed you don't like people around you, hence why I easily abducted you. I don't want you to be uncomfortable here. I want you to feel like you're on your own home."

I explained very long since she asked a lot of questions in a short period of time.

And I cringed at my own answer. That's so creepy

"Then how are we going to live on our own? Two of us? Inside an island? You must be crazy for sending your people away." She replied.

This woman trusts me. Yeah. Really. I can TOTALLY feel it.


"Well, to answer the last part of your question, about the chef. It's me. I cooked all of what we ate right now."

"You must be kidding me. I can't even cook and not that I'm judging you, but you don't look like you can cook. You don't even look like you can cut ingredients!" She said. Insulting me. Me! Insulting me!

"Yeah? Huh! A judgement coming from you, who just said that she can't cook? But don't worry Darlin', I'll be more than willing to teach you." I said and winked


"W-Whatever!" She said while fighting the redness on her face to show.

"Did someone likes being called Darlin'?" I said teasingly. And to add some more tease, I moved my eyebrows up and down for a couple of times.


"Okay. I'll stop. Because I'm not that lunatic as you think. My brain is serving me perfectly. Why do you think I have all of the exact same products that you use inside my bathroom?"

She has a shocked expression. "You remembered them all?! You have pictographic memory?!" She said excitedly.

"No. I don't. But as I said, my brain serves me perfectly. It knows that I will not be able to remember them all so it told me to take a picture and ask my assistants to buy them all. Along with the things that we will need for our stay here. We have everything that we need here. If you want something but it isn't here, just tell me and I'll ask them to buy and bring it here as soon as possible."

What the hell an I saying? Why am I doing all of these just for a woman? Heck, I don't even know what I'm doing anymore! And the fact the we just started kills my brain...

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