2. Bet

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Ronnie's POV

I know, for a fact, that the girl from last night is famous. Though I don't know her, by her attitude and her face, I can say that it's not going to be hard to make her a famous celeb or model.

But I wasn't prepared to the mouths of my friends about how lucky I am to even speak to her.

They said and I quote, "she never AS IN NEVER, spoke to anyone aside from her friend." end quote. Which I think is impossible, because let's be real, that CAN'T be possible.

Maybe media hasn't spotted it, but for sure she speaks to someone aside from her friend.

Me for example...

They even said some stuffs about her "love life", my crazy stalker friends said that she had a boyfriend before but they kept the relationship private. No one even knew how they broke up. People just knew when they spotted the guy with some other girl after their 2 months of dating.

And I now heard a lot of news about her, credits to my friends.

"Can you guys stop. It's starting to get irritating!" At first it was cool to me. Since I'm gaining information about her. I'll admit, she's interesting...

But now? I think it's creepy how much they know about her.

"Dude! You just don't know how lucky you are!" Ryan said

Now, the million, or even billion dollar question. How did they know what happened last night?

"How did you guys know what happened anyways?" I am a hundred percent sure that they aren't present when the incident happened.

They are all on their chosen room, occupied by doing something-I-don't-even-want-to-think with someone, no one knows who since they cannot remember, up stairs...

"Are you serious? You haven't seen it?! It's all over the news, t.v. and even on newspapers! Plus, IT IS trending. In all of my social media accounts? I can see your face." Daniel said.

Oh shoot. "Can you remove it? It's bad. Mom and dad will kill me. You both know how strict they are." Ryan can do his magic if the problem is about news. Thanks to his connections.

"Sure!" That's fast? "In one condition." I spoke too soon...


"You have to a dare..."

I didn't asked what the dare is. "Deal." I just agreed. I really want this out of the news as soon as possible...

Kiara's POV

I'm sick of my friend. For the first time.

She hasn't stopped lecturing me about what I did last night. I was drunk, okay! I know what I was doing but I don't have the control over it!

"Yves, can you stop? You're making my head hurt more" I asked politely.

"I'm sorry. I told you to stop drinking already! You don't have that much tolerance in alcohol! Plus, he's not worth it."

"I know. But He. Cheated. That's a disgusting and awful thing to do! And add the fact that he's been doing it the whole time of our relationship?! I just got out from my vacation. And this is what I will face right after?! Urgh!"

Yes, a vacation that he arranged on his private island. I didn't used any form that will connect me in this chaotic world, yup I got rid of my phone the whole time, that's why I didn't heard THE news, or any news in general.

Right after I exited the plane, the reporters are asking me about it, showed me pictures and everything. I told them that I don't care because we broke up already.

I held my head high.

But I honestly don't know what was going on that time...

So I confronted him. The d*ck didn't even tried to explain, he just went straight like yeah, I was f*cking her behind your back.


That it was the reason why he sent me to his island, to have some time with his b*tch!

I don't even know if I should be thankful to the person that caught them or if I would want to be the one who personally see them and end the relationship on a less shocking way for me.

But that was just so upsetting! That's why I was drunk at the party.



Just wow.

What an "eventful" life right after weeks of vacation, right?

I don't care about him honestly. A lot of people would kill just to have my attention, and he just did that?!

He's not that lovable anyway! It's just his looks and aura that I liked! His poise. His masculinity.

Just appearance. No "love" at all! Tbh

(~ ̄³ ̄)~



"I've been calling you, hundred times now!"

"Do. Not. Shout! MY HEAD IS ACHING!"

"I'm sorry. Just eat and drink your medicine to reduce the ache. I can't even look at you right now because of the stunt that you pulled last night!"

"What was so special about THAT person that you are so upset to me right now?"


"And I was correct. You don't know her that's why you did what you did." She said

Her. I remembered the tingling sensation that I felt when she made our body close and how her breath in my ears sent shivers all over my body.

"Does she have the right to be known by me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh she totally does. You are lucky she didn't lashed out on you after you did what you did. Besides for being known because of her family's legacy and wealth plus looks, she is also known for her short temper."

"Psycho!" I joked.

"No. Her ability to take down a lot of people in fights made the girls fall to her. Even built guys can do nothing to her!"

"I still don't get it? Why is she so special?" It doesn't make sense to me

"Are you kidding me?! Did you not looked at her face last night?" Oh sister, I SO DID. Even the alcohol didn't successfully erased the image in my head...

"She could just stand there and do nothing and girls will willingly strip off their clothes in front of her just to get her attention! She rarely smile but some photographs of her, smiling, are captured when she's with her friends. And oh gosh! That smile turned almost all of the girls from straight like a stick to bent like the cord of the telephone" she dreamingly said

"Yves, the cord isn't bent. They're curled." I said on a matter of fact tone

"Exactly! They became gayest of the gays because of her!"

"Well, you're not one of them, right?" I just want to make sure.


"Well?" I impatiently questioned

"I may or may not have a couple of her pictures on my phone?" Oh gosh...

"Do you know and realize how creepy that is?!" I freaking shouted

"Yeah? But I just can't help it! She's so good looking. But I like men, don't get me wrong. I'm just gay for her, and her only." And she did this innocent but awkward laugh at the same time.

I don't know why it didn't made me feel comfortable even if she said that.

I thought I was hoping she wouldn't like her because I will feel unsafe to be with her since she like girls but that fact that she said "I'm just gay for her and her only" made me so pissed.

And nope! I, most definitely, don't like her!

I'm not even gay.

But why am I mad at my friend for liking her...

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