6. Dishes

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Ronnie's POV

It's almost night time. We did nothing this whole day at all...


She hasn't asked me any questions since I told her that we'll be living alone here in the island. She hasn't spoken anything too so I cleaned the table and brought the plates and other things in the sink.

I returned after putting them all there and she still hasn't moved. I tried to get closer to her to see if she's alright.

She's flushed. I have to check if she's alright!

"Waaaahhh" she screamed and pushed me away.

And mind you... I landed on the floor. Butt first.


Why the hell did she do that?! I was just checking up on her!

"Pervert!" She screamed again

"Hey! I was just checking up on you! You weren't moving for so long and you're so red!" I defended myself

"Then why did you toughed my boobs?!" She screamed these words at the top of her lungs

"You know, I have a different way of checking up on girls. It's by touching their bre*st. For some reason, it has a different texture for me if they're sick"

Now, Now, I just made that up. I'm certain she's alright and just blushing a while ago. My method did made her move so I can say it's effective...

(´ε` )

End of flashback

Since then she hasn't talked to me. That is why I said our day isn't eventful.

She has been avoiding me. Did I do something wrong?

Ah whatever, we'll eat now so she better speak to me now.

"Hey! Let's eat!" I shouted after I cooked.

She can here me because kitchen and living room isn't that far. Yup! She's been watching t.v. since this morning.

I was done preparing the table and she still hasn't replied to me. So I went to her to check.

"Hey. Let's eat. The foods are done." I said on a lower tone than before. No need to shout since we're near to each other.

I have respect on people's ears, unlike her...

"I'm not going to eat." She said while still looking at the screen of the t.v. and not even bothering to look in my direction.

"And why is that?"

She looked at me slowly this time. And i'll admit, that slow mo is scary. Our eyes met and Oh no...


I flinched. Ihh she's scary


I walked away. There's no way I'll face a beast without something that can protect me...

Kiara's POV

I was honestly surprised when she just walked out after what I shouted at her.

That's it?

I heard some movements on the kitchen. And she soon returned with a tray with foods in it.

Should've known...

She placed the tray at the table in front of me. "What are you doing?" I said on my "irritated" voice.

She sat beside me and looked at the t.v. pretending to watch "Eating" she simply replied to me and took a spoonful of food after.

I gulped. I've been smelling the food since she started preparing it.

"You can always eat you know?" She said while still looking at the t.v.

"No. I don't want to."

"You don't?" She said and took a bite while making an eye contact.

I looked away "No! As I said, I don't want to eat with you. Plus, I have a figure that is needed to be maintained."

"Hmm. Don't let the opinions of others affect your way of living. And besides, you're perfect in my eyes regardless of what you look." She said and winked.

"You got it all wrong! I'm the one who wants to maintain this body. I chose not to eat." I managed to say despite of blushing, which I am not sure if she noticed.

"Tsk. Shame I've seen you look at the food MULTIPLE times now." She has the smug look on her face that made me want to not give in and prove her wrong. I have a strong will power!


She's fixing the table now. And yes!...

... I ate.


She succeeded when she told me that I could always work out and burn the food that I ate.

Of course I work out. But I need to do extra if I'm going to eat more than what I used to.

That's just how it works. It's not always sunshine and rainbows. Happy because you ate? Suffer to burn those calories.

And it's not body shaming. It's being healthy. I'm used on my kind of lifestyle or what Ronnie call, "eating less" or her other word "starving yourself".

But if I changed that and just eat what Ronnie says "normal eating" would be too much for me to take. It might affect me badly, for my body is not used to it. So... I can't really do anything about it.

Well, I can but it's be a lot more of a process than just maintaining what I do so I'll just stick to it.

Plus the fact that I'm a model, it's no secret that we eat "less", as what Ronnie said, to keep our body shape.

She just stood there in front of my while holding the tray with dirty plates. "What now?" I asked.

"Bring this to the kitchen and clean it."

What the? "Are you being serious right now?"

"Yah. Do I look like I'm kidding? Hey, I won't spoil you here! I'm already buying you foods to eat! Heck, I'm even cooking it for you! You must, at least, do the dishes!"

"Hey! Don't you dare complain because I never asked you to abduct me in the first place!"

I have a point right? But I didn't won. She said she has something to do, and cleaning these than watching t.v. would be better.

Tch, she even made my eyes as an excuse, saying that too much radiation from the tv will have this effect on me, that effect on me yada yada! Huh like she actually cares!

But at some point, I thought I heard her say that my eyes, they're beautiful so I must protect them.

But I didn't think too much of it. Why would she say stuff like that in the first place? Nah. I might've misheard it.

But going in the kitchen gave me an idea. I'm never really a fan of cleaning and washing the dishes.

Don't get me wrong, I know how to clean them. I just don't like to. Because who likes doing things?

But I have to perform my idea like I didn't intentionally DID IT.

I looked around and found a chair. Perfect!

I walked over there and hit my foot on it and calculated the believable spot for the plates to drop.


You know...

if the plates are broken, you don't have to wash them anymore...

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