4. Confused

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Kiara's POV

I went back to the room that I was in when I woke up. I didn't know where to go a while ago since I'm just new here, and this house is like a maze. It's huge. But I know my way now. You can say that "I have a super sharp memory" or eidetic memory for short.

And I was actually KIND OF regretting leaving her there. Specially because she told me that there are sharks---

I get shivers every time I think that they are just swimming down there. Ugh disgusting!

I don't even know the real reason why I pushed her. Is it because of abducting me or because I don't want her to see my face that are turning red.

Yves was right, she has a nice smile...

Goodness! What am I even thinking?!

I convinced myself that what I was thinking was ridiculous and I thought of how I pushed her off of the boat...

But I don't think her men would just let her swim there and be eaten by a shark? Right? They'll save her. Sooner or later she'll be here---

Yup, she's here. I'M. SO. DEAD.

She's purposely doing heavy footsteps and damaging things by harshly moving them.

And I flinch in every sound that I hear...

I curled myself on the corner as if it'll help. Urgh! Sometimes I hate myself. But what can I do that will save me from here? Literally NOTHING.

What is she going to do to me? Why is she doing this? Is this because I threw my heel at her?

I just closed my eyes when the door slammed open. I didn't bother locking it a while ago. It is her house, of course she has the key. Locking it might trigger her anger more.

Yeah, somehow I expected her to be angry at me, specially because I remember what Yves said to me.

Now that I know her capability and about her short temper, I should think twice before I do things...

Ronnie's POV

When I reached the room, I was ready to lash out because of what she did. I swam and wetted my clothes! MY PRECIOUS CLOTHES!

I opened the door and it wasn't locked. Good. Because I don't know what I'll do if I had to go through opening this lock.

It might trigger my anger more.

But when I saw her curled at the corner, shaking. I can't speak. I can't move.

I don't know why, but seeing her like this drained my body. Like, at this moment, I'm more than willing to do anything that will make her feel better.

I slowly stood straight. I don't want to go near her. She might get more scared, thinking that I will do something bad to her.

"Get up." I said in a low voice.

I waited for a few second if she's going to oblige but no. I exhaled. I feel like I still have no strength. "Fine. Just take a bath or just simply change your clothes, it doesn't matter. But go downstairs right after you finished if you want answers to your questions."


After an hour, or more, I finished cooking but she'll still not here. There's just some possibilities to be considered why she's still not here.

First, she's still not done "preparing" herself.

Second, she's lost.

Third, she's avoiding me.

Well, she can't. Because it's just us in this Island. She has to talk to me one way or another.

I was still sitting at the table and eating slowly so I could wait for her while still thinking of the other possibilities.

I was half done when I heard some movements. Of course I'm observable when it comes to EVERY THING. Why do you think I'm able to fight and barely get punched by my opponents?

"Why did you brought me here?"

Oh? I guess she wants to start already. I might've said that she'll have answers to her questions. And I will answer all of it.

Her only problem is that...

I never said that I will answer truthfully.

She cannot know about the dare or all of this will be over...

Kiara's POV

I was skeptical to do what she told me to do. But after minutes of sitting there, I think my body got used to the surrounding that it's not sensing danger anymore.

I got comfortable. Comfortable enough to move and take a bath.


After I took a bath, I saw products. Exact products that I use. That's creepy. How did she know what I use?

I didn't used any of it. I don't know if all of those are real. What if she mixed something in it?

So I just left it all there. Untouched. And exited the room.

She said I'll meet her down stairs. But WHERE? I cannot ask anyone because I cannot see anyone!

I smelled something. Something delicious. So I just followed the smell. And there she goes. Eating. And didn't even wait for me!

I mean, she abducted me. Technically, I'M HER GUEST!

But never mind. I lost my appetite now. "Why did you brought me here?" I just asked instead.

"Why don't you seat ang eat first?" She just replied. Neglecting my question.

"You said I'll have the answers!"

"You will! Just eat first for f*ck's sake! You didn't even ate last night! Put a g*ddamn food inside your stomach! Don't starve yourself!"

I flinched again. Who will not? She has a scary and commanding voice. With a trembling body, I sat at the table with her and prepared a food for myself.

How did she even know that I didn't ate last night?

I heard her exhaled. "Okay. Fine. Let's put it this way... You can ask anytime you want as long as it's not in a wrong situation. 'Wrong situation' involves your hunger, anger, sadness or any negative emotion. Understood?"

I just nodded. I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I don't know anything at all. Which is partly true.

I have no idea where I am... What she wants...


After eternity of eating she finally allowed me to ask questions. Of course, my first question is...

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ronnie Pierce."


Is she nuts? "What I mean is 'I don't know you, so what is your motive to do this to me?' that's what I meant by the question."

She shrugged. "Well, that's not what I heard. I didn't know we're deciphering here? Listen woman, If you want proper answers, ask proper questions." ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭

Urgh! She's making my head hurt! This is going to be a long question and answer portion...

My Island (GxG)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن