✭ Interviews ✭

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"How does it feel  like to die!?"

"Are you excited for your next season?"

"How does it feel to be a fan favorite?"

"Do you like anyone in the cast?"

"What's your backstory?"

"How do you feel about the other people in the cast?"

People shouted, yelled questions at the 15, shoving cameras and microphones in my face. Two steps outside the hospital and the 15 of them were already bombarded by swarms of fans and questions. The way Akuma how made it out to be, Interviews would be calmer and more private, but instead it was just hears of people throwing personal questions at them.

"Gah-! Please, stop- personal space please!" Shuichi shouted.

"No I don't like- ACK-! OBVIOUSLY DEATH IS PAINFUL DUMBASS!" Kaito yelled over the wave of questions.

"No, Saihara-kun and I are just friends, we never dated-" Kaede said nervously.

"Wait, someone asked that?!" Shuichi asked her, but his question was drowned out by more commotion. 

"Yes, this will be my third time participating in danganronpa," Rantaro answered one of the people calmly.

"Do you wanna die? Maki asked no one in particular, probably just asking the crowd in general.

"Nyeh.. I don't wanna deal with this.." Himiko sighed and sat down at the entrance to the hospital, on the ground.

"Stop bothering Himiko you degenerate males!"

"Tenko, you know there's girls in that crowd too, right?"   Kirumi asked.

"Yeah, get a good eyeful of these tits you virgins! You all can only dream of getting with someone as good lookin as me!" Miu shouted.

"Where's Kokichi!? Isn't he the fan favorite?"

"Would any of you recommend joining Danganronpa?"

"How much despair did you feel when Tsumugi revealed she was the mastermind!?"

"Wait- wait! I'm pretty sure Ouma-kun's by the entrance-!" Shuichi said, but instantly regretted as more fans tried to get up.

"Like hell would I recommend that shit! It's horrible!" Miu growled. 

"Stop asking ridiculous questions!" Kiibo yelled.

Shuichi walked over to Kokichi, who was sitting near Himiko up by the entrance. "Ouma-Kun,  almost the whole crowd wants to see you."

"Well of course! I'm the best out of the whole cast!"

"You need to get out there and start answering questions or I predict they're going to start getting mad."

"Nooooo thanks! I'm not interested in wasting my time on idiotic questions," He leaned against the wall.

"Look, if you don't want to answer questions that's fine, but-" 

"Nope, I'm just not in the mood," Kokichi closed his eyes.  

Shuichi sighed and walked back over to Kaede. "I hope this is over soon.." He mumbled.

"Yeah, me too, these questions are beyond personal. Someone asked me how often I took showers," she said.

"Oh my god.." Shuichi looked out into the crowd of people.

Suddenly, a loud speaker could be heard.

"That's all for interviews for folks. Please leave so we can safely escort the participants to the Virtual Reality world." The voice of Akuma Doi could be heard

Almost everyone let out a sigh of relief. Finally the interviews were over. But... 

Something much worse was about to happen.

Another Killing Game...

~520 words 

✭〈𝔻𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕒𝕟𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕡𝕒𝕍𝟜 - 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕤〉 ✭Where stories live. Discover now