Ok, IMPORTANT, I swear the next one will be a real chapter!!!

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Hi!! So, I just wanted to give a warning to anyone invested in this book (because people are for whatever reason??)

Chapters will take awhile to come out for 3 main reasons:

1. School

School starts next Tuesday for me!! I started this book at the end of the schoolyear last year, neglected it for a month (this was to give me a chance to add little details to the plot and such, to make for a more interesting story, so it wasn't entirely wasted!!) and then went back to updating. Now that schools back in I'm not going to have a lot of time to write unless I stay up late or write on my breaks (which I have a shocking amount of in school O-O).

Yeah, I have 7 periods to keep up with so I'm sorry if the updates start to get slow around late August, September, because that's usually when the schoolwork begins.

2. Chapters are rather long

Chapters for shattered bliss are longer than any of my other books, usually ranging from at least 800 words to almost 3,000. I like making chapters packed to the brim with as much as possible so it isn't a boring experience. Keep in mind this book is a passion project of mine, and I want to make this storyline as detailed and interesting as possible. 

I don't exactly like being rushed, so please try not to pressure me. Also, feel free to ask any questions for the book and treat this book like a game. There's spoilers involved, and I've been trying to keep them a secret. I'm really excited for these next few chapters- <3

3. I'm making DR style art for the game!

Ok this is completely unneeded, I know. This mostly stemmed from a lack of motivation, because sometimes I get burned out from a lot of writing. But I didn't want to be unproductive when it came to this book, especially when I was so excited about it. So what I do is go back and forth between the art and chapter, so whenever I get bored of one, I work on the other. If you don't believe me, here's art for one of the future chapters

 If you don't believe me, here's art for one of the future chapters

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I'm also going to use this opportunity to remind you that this books has ships. I don't always look at the tags, so I wanted to inform you of that. All of ships can be found in the tags but here's a screenshot

 All of ships can be found in the tags but here's a screenshot

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That's all

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