✭ Restart ✭

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Danganronpa Headquarters

Bunkyo, Tokyo.

They were all seated in chairs, VR headsets on their heads.

"These will erase your memory, and when you wake up you will be in the Killing game with no memory of how you got there. Understand?"

Akuma said, looking around at the everyone. They nodded their heads hesitantly.

"Alright,  the program is starting now."

Akuma walked over to a button in the back of the room. "I wish you all the best of luck."

She pressed the button, and with a whir, the program started to erase all of their memories. It didn't take long, it probably took a few seconds to erase the correct memories. All that was left was the memories of themselves, and their talents.











Darkness. Complete utter darkness.

Cold. Something cold, and hard surrounded me. I opened my eyes. The only light coming from slits in the wall in front of me. It felt uncomfortable in here.. I pushed on the walls and the front one heaved open like a door. I didn't expect this and fell to the ground.

I fell face first into the ground. "hgnn..." I rubbed my head and looked up. A classroom, and one I knew too well at that. I shook my head. What..?

I stood up. How embarrassing. If someone saw me fall like that, they'd laugh. That's not what I'm worried about though, because something was wrong. Really wrong. 

This classroom.. was this? I'm in the VR world, I'm sure of it. But yet... I looked around again.

How come I remember it? I shouldn't be able to. Was there a glitch? Does everyone else remember to? I looked around the room again. Team Danganronpa seemed too high-tech to make a mistake like this and yet-

Maybe they were just testing the system- but- the way she spoke as if this were the real thing.. no, something was wrong. I leaned against the locker, it's cold surface making me shiver. Everything felt and looked real. How? How can something like this look feel so real? It was something I'd been wondering ever since I got out of the game. 

Shouldn't he be getting out of his locker yet? I looked over at the locker that was next to mine. I don't remember waiting this long for him. Maybe he was in a different classroom?

As I thought that, I heard the locker rumbled and out came a certain spiky haired robot. I walked over and bent down to be face to face with him. I tilted my head. Should I act the way I did when we first met? Or should I do something different? I hovered over him as he stared back at me. He looked scared. I poked his nose.

✭〈𝔻𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕒𝕟𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕡𝕒𝕍𝟜 - 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕤〉 ✭Where stories live. Discover now