Part II

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Little did electrified Luka know what was going to happen shortly. That will be turning his delighted emotions upside down.

Soon, the bus started shaking and vibrating on the road to be rendered motionless. The bus driver informed, "Hey everyone, looks like we are out of juice but it's alright. I've got a spare and in a while, we will be on our way again."

Bus seniors sensed loud honking from the car behind them which lead them to a feeling of uneasiness. Slamming the car door shut loudly behind him, the old man came out furiously and looks like he was up to no good.

As he approached the bus, Luka and the students examined his actions carefully. He looked like he was mid-forties with an awfully pretentious-looking haircut. His suit looked like it just came out of a dog's mouth, all wrinkly and oily as if he never washed it before! Ginny whispered," Yoo dude, that guy seems kinda tough and I am afraid we won't be able to reach the museum in time." The thought of not entering and feeling the sandy texture of the pyramids models and breathing in the old dusty air hit naive Luka like a striking bolt in the chest.

Losing hope he prayed that this day passes on smoothly and that they complete what they got out of their houses for. At first, it looked like a small fight, but as time passed it got pretty intense as what looked like the drunk man started shoving the driver. No one dared to move and it felt like hours passing by. Suddenly as the aged man got into the bus, started the engine, they were on their way again. The teen boy eased and stayed calm during the ride.

They pulled over, all of a sudden the visitors dashed down knocking over each other. Luka tried to tranquil, he spoke to himself "This can't be happening, I am just a few steps from entering all the time phenomenal place and see what I have lived to see until this moment. However, being a professional pessimist, he felt an unwanted feeling of irritation when he recognized the same man from the fight this morning entering his place of dreams. At that moment, he shook his head and convinced himself that everything was gonna be alright.


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