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"Regression to the mean," Taehyung reads aloud, tracing his finger beneath the words. "This will be our philosophy in life."

Namjoon snorts and leans forward, balancing himself on his elbows. "Still can't believe you're jealous of Timon and Pumbaa."

Taehyung, sitting criss-cross on the other side of the bed, unfolds one of his legs and shoves his foot in Namjoon's face obnoxiously. Namjoon slaps it and squeals when he hurts his pinky in the process. "You can't Hakuna Matata your anxiety away," Taehyung says sassily. "It's a mental illness."

"So you go with fake algebra concepts?"

"It's not a fake algebra concept!" Taehyung whines. "It's our philosophy and it makes sense. It forces you to accept that if a bad thing happened, this doesn't mean bad things will keep happening, and that good things happening doesn't mean good things will keep happening either."

"This isn't my philosophy, then." Namjoon shrugs. "I won't accept good things not happening. Nope. Not taking that. I want good things always. I deserve that."

"Accepting that good things don't always happen means not keeping your hopes all the time. It means looking out for yourself and not crashing hard when life disappoints you," Taehyung says, and it hits Namjoon that he really did put so much thought into this, and it wasn't just a concept triggered by a Disney movie. So, he shuts up and urges Taehyung to go on. "It's also like saving a penny for a rainy day, it's being careful and staying safe even when you're feeling invincible and so euphoric that it makes you reckless. It's not believing in lucky strikes and pushing yourself to do things right instead of assuming you'll always get away when you do them wrong."


"Kissing you and knowing I'll be getting in trouble for locking the door with a chair," Namjoon murmurs, his eyes sliding to the locked door for a split second. Taehyung nods, gazing into his eyes as he snaps the book shut, and suddenly they're not on opposite ends of the same bed anymore.

"It's a good philosophy," Namjoon admits finally, leading Taehyung into his lap. He pushes the book away before pulling Taehyung close so that their chests are touching, and it tumbles off the bed and hits the carpet with a soft thud, but he's too busy enjoying a lapful of Kim Taehyung to care about whether his algebra book is okay.

"Thanks," Taehyung smiles, and cradles Namjoon face as he leans in and kisses Namjoon's lips — not a kiss kiss, just a quick Smooch!

Namjoon laughs. "You're welcome. A real kiss?"


"Taehyung. You have your philosophy and I have mine. I require kisses."

"I fucking hate you," and then he kisses him, and he proves exactly how much he hates Namjoon when he bites his lip so hard he pulls a groan out of him. "Please," Namjoon whimpers as Taehyung pushes him away, surprised by the sound of his voice. Taehyung smirks. "Wasn't so hard, was it? Regression to the mean is our philosophy. We share it."

"Because we're soulmates?" Namjoon wonders, licking his swollen lips.

"Yes," Taehyung asks, giving Namjoon another chaste kiss. "And because we both need to survive."

"Live," Namjoon corrects. "We need more than survival."

"Someday," Taehyung says. "But for now, we need to survive. And then I'll give you the world."

Namjoon smiles and kisses Taehyung first, this time, and it's soft and tender and Namjoon hopes Taehyung can feel him thinking You are the world and I already have you in my arms over and over and over.

first sneak peak into teenage bfs vmon's daily routine :3 thoughts?

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