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length: 1.3k words
TW: coming out scene


When Namjoon drops off Gi at Seokjin's, Jimin instantly climbs into the passenger's seat next to Namjoon and he just knows there's something she wants to discuss.

"Gigi's taller than you," Namjoon points out when Gi closes the building's door and they're driving off again.

"They're tall, I'm normal," Jimin insists, and Namjoon just chuckles. And he sees it coming: "Anyway, dad, can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, baby."

He doesn't see this coming: "Do you know what lesbian means?"



"Maria who sits two seats behind me is a lesbian."

"That's... that's good. You can always tell me anything and everything, but is she okay with you telling anyone that she's a lesbian?"

"Yeah, I asked her if I could tell you," Jimin frowns. "I know you shouldn't tell people if your friends are gay without their permission. It can put them in danger."

Namjoon smiles. "Exactly. You're a smart girl, Minah."

"Do you know what bisexual means?" Jimin asks again. "Um. It's not a sexual thing. It just contains the word sexual but it's not."

"Yes, I know. Is Blue bisexual?"

"I think. He has a boyfriend."

"Isn't he twelve?"

"Thirteen," Jimin corrects.

"Alright." Namjoon blinks. "Do you have any straight friends? Gigi?"

"Um..." she pauses to think. "You?"

"Okay. Okay, that's nice," Namjoon sighs. "Why are you asking me about that?"

"Dad. I think I might be... like that."

Namjoon stops the car next to a sidewalk, and turns to Jimin. "What do you mean?"

"I think I like girls."

"You think you're a lesbian?" Namjoon asks her.

"Or a bi girl. I don't know yet. I might be. Bisexual. Is that... is that okay?"

Namjoon isn't sure.

"That's more than okay," he tells her, and her lip trembles. "C'mon, c'mere," he says, pulling her into a hug.

"You aren't mad?"

"Why would I be?"

"Because I'm too young? And — and not everyone is cool with that. Sometimes parents get mad. It's illegal to be gay in some countries. It's scary. Why aren't you—"

"I'm not mad," Namjoon cuts her off. "I don't think you're too young because if it's normal for you to have crushes at this age, it's normal for you to try out labels other than straight. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Not everyone agrees."

"Fuck anyone who disagrees—"

"Haha, you said fu—"

"I mean it," he says. "There's nothing wrong with being gay, or trans, or anything that isn't the 'norm.'"

"Gigi is nonbinary," Jimin adds, and Namjoon nods, understanding. He's noticed the lack of gendered pronouns and descriptions in Jimin's vocabulary in reference to Gi lately. "They're coming out to their mum and uncle today, too. Uncle Seokjin probably already knows."

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