Y/n pov:

What the fuck.

It's three days after Bucky and I showed up at the compound, and my power is starting to become incontrollable. Thankfully, my cover hasn't come off. If anyone knew how I truly look like, they would never let me back in the tower. "THOR! Can you come here please?" Thor knows but only because he has a terrible habit of not knocking. The god rushes into my room, Mjolnir in his hand. "What is it? Is someone here who's not supposed to be? Must I smash their knees?" He says rather frantically. "Thor, calm down. I need to visit your mother, Queen Frigga." 

"Oh, finally! I can show you the beautiful realm of Asgard! Wait.. why do you need to see my mother? Is everything alright?" Thor has a worried expression on his face as he sits next to me. "No. My power has been acting wild recently." I demonstrate by levitating a vase, only to have it shatter. I wince as the pieces hit the floor. 

"Oh my... we must go at once! Pack your thin- actually, no don't your Midguardian clothes will not be appropriate for Asgard. I will find you something once we get there." Thor says, before going out to tell the team where we'll be. 


Once we've arrived, I wave to Heimidall with a smile, who shyly looks down before doing the same. Thor and I follow the road all the way to the palace, picking up some Asgardian clothes before we get there. The guards recognize Thor and we head straight in. I spot Queen Frigga immediately and I smile and curtsy. "Thor, my dear son, how wonderful to see you again! I see you've brought a friend." Odin booms from his seat on the throne. "Yes, Father, this is Lady Y/n L/n." Thor says, with a proud grin on his face. I keep my anger quite hidden as I curtsy to the Allfather. Why doesn't he treat both his sons like this? "Tell us, dear, why have you come to Asgard?" Frigga says, smiling gently and reassuringly. "Mother, Lady Y/n has come for your help. She has powers, very similar to Loki's, however, she wasn't born with them and they are becoming incontrollable." At the mention of Loki's name, I see Odin's smile falter a bit, before returning. "Well, Lady Y/n, I shall be delighted to help you regain control. If you wouldn't mind, follow me." Frigga gestures for me to follow her and I do so. She shows me around the castle as I 'will be staying for awhile'. We stop in the library, and my mouth drops in awe. It's huge. "My Queen, does it have Shakespeare?" "Yes it does, at the very end. And please, call me Frigga." She says. By the gods, she's wonderful (oop, not me turning this into a frigga x reader)

Loki's Pov: 

I look up from book as I see my mother approaching. However, she is not alone. I stand up to greet them, but when her e/c eyes meet mine, I stumble a bit and blush. Wait, what? I blushed? Yes, now keep reading. Alright fine. She giggles, and by the nines, it is like a sweet melody in my ears. Wait, how do you know that? I'm your conscience, I know everything you do. "Loki, I'd like you to meet y/n. She is going to be staying with us for awhile." Mother says, looking at me with a knowing look. I nod. "Well, I hate to be rude, but I'd like to go see Thor. It was very nice to meet you." I bow and kiss her hand. This time, it was her turn to blush. (Sorry if your black or dark-skinned! If you are then just change it to whatever you do when you're flattered).

This is going to be wonderful.


HELLO! I completely forgot I published the intro, so instead of deleting it, I'll just publish the next chapter *finger guns* only like 630 words or so. But its here! I love you!

- A

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