!!TW!!: Miscarriage

Third person POV:

Three months.

It's been three months since anyone has seen Y/n.

And don't think Loki isn't doing anything because he has, single-handedly, taken down five HYDRA bases. None of which Y/n was in.

Thor could see how broken down Loki was, and it caused Thor to feel pain too. Not only was his brother heartbroken, but his best friend has been missing for months.

*scene change to Y/n*

Y/n was sitting in the dreaded chair. The one she had seen Bucky sit in numerous times before they escaped.

She waited for the doctor to come in. Every day was the same. Soldiers came and took her to the chair and strapped her down. Then, they would leave to go train and the doctor would arrive. According to her memory, she had 20 minutes before a new round of soldiers would come in.

The pain from losing her children was still fresh, so she could use that right now. The tests had eventually become to much for the unborn children, and so she miscarried. It was those bastards that had killed her kids, so they will pay.

The doctor comes in, right on schedule. As he gets closer, Y/n takes this opportunity to take out the pen she had been hiding in her sleeve, and stab it through his neck. He chokes on his blood, collapsing to the ground. 

Y/n undoes the straps holding her down, she being able to do so, as they were still unaware of her powers. Her body had been weakened by both the children and the tests.  She walks out of the room, stopping only once to take down Lieutenant Smirnov. Her golden swigglys enter through the man's throat and out again.

If Wanda had been there to see, she would've known exactly what Y/n was doing, for Wanda had done it herself. Y/n was, slowly, taking his oxygen out of his own lungs.

"This is for my kids, you bitch." She spat, removing the last of his air.

His limp body falls to the ground, lifeless.

*time skip*

Y/n walks through the main door of the compound.

"FRIDAY, do not tell the others of my presence." She says, strutting into the elevator.

Peter Parker POV:

"She's been missing for months. We may have to accept the fact that Y/n might not come back." Rhodey says.

Tony walks over to him, glaring at him the entire time.

"Rhodes, you're my best friend, don't get me wrong. But the woman out there, she was the only thing keeping us from losing our minds. And I'll be damned if I lose her too." Tony says, tearing up.

Only I hear the elevator door open, but I assume it's Pepper. 

"This is bullshit!" I say, slamming my fists on the table.


Everyone freezes. I turn around. Low and behold, there is Y/n. She looks like crap, but she's alive.

"Mom." I tear up too.

I run into her arms and hold her tight. It was obvious that Y/n was like a mother to me, along with Nat.

"Hey kiddo. Ya miss me?" She says, stroking the hair out of my face. I chuckle.

"Darling? Is that really you?" Loki says.

"Yep, it is." She replies, eyes softening as she takes in Loki's appearance.

He was pale, his skin lighter than ever. His eyes were red and bloodshot, for it seemed he never stopped crying. His hair was greasy and tangled, only he knows the last time he showered.

I let go of her, and Loki hugs her, clinging onto her for dear life.

"I don't know how you're here, but you're here. That's all that matters." He says, kissing her forehead.

"Loki. I lost the babies."


A/n: two things

1. i didn't realize how long it was since i last updated this (23 days to be precise) so here ya go

2. i re-read this trying to figure out what color her magic was, only to find out i never gave it a color and that the first few chapters of this absolutely SUCKED.

love you,


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