22|| gentle touch

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(get the fuck out of here if you are under 16 now!!! 🤺 if not idc....content below may make you feel uncomfortable but I know y'all are type of people to read BTS Smuts late at night 💀 anyways enjoy!)


After dinner, in which I barely ate anything, I head towards Jungkook's room. The room which we are sharing. I never called that room mine. I walked towards bathroom to take shower. After a couple of minute, I was done and headed towards closet to pick something red as he demanded. I sat infront of a mirror and stared at my reflection. All I can see is broken, helpless and pathetic girl, shedding tears for what seems like millionth time. I blame only god for this night. I never blamed him ever in my whole life because my parents always taught me that good happens with good people and evil never wins, and god will always help good people. At this point I feel like everything is just a big fat lie. If it's true, then why am I still here!? Why am I still trapped with jungkook and preparing myself to give a very last thing that am holding on to tightly, to him!? Tonight I have so much complaints to god! Why my dad had to die while he was just helping his nation!? Why my mon had to get cancer when she has always been nice and kind to all the people!? Why just why!?

I couldn't fight back today with jungkook because I knew there was no going back anymore. I had to accept my fate. My fate, in which I am wife of a repugnant man! Jeon Jungkook! If I fight back I'll hurt myself. I had no other option. I felt completely broken whenever I see Jungkook because of the control he has on me. In my life I've dreamt a lot, to complete my education, get a stable job and get married to a person I love, but seems like universe just loves me way too much!

At this point, I realised that my heart is made of elastic. I've buried lot of feelings inside it that now it's getting hard for me to breath. I just wanna go somewhere in the dark and let out everything that I've buried inside me.

Death seems more lovelier than this life.

I stood infront of closet door gripping on the door knob. Fighting with myself wether I should open or not, I took a deep breath in to calm myself. Shaking, I twisted the door knob and stepped outside. Jungkook was there, sitting on the edge of the bed. As soon as he heard the noise of opening door his head snapped at my direction and looked at me. He was wearing plain blood red silk shirt tucked in with black plain jeans. He looked good, not gonna lie. Shirt was very well fitted to his body, giving perfect shape of his muscles. But that terrified me knowing how fucking strong he is.

Today I won't fight and let him do everything he want to do, I just wanna get this thing over asap! I have to accept the fact that he is my husband and my everything is his.

Jungkook's POV

She was looking like a goddess!

That sleeveless satin red gown hugged her curves perfectly exposing her beautiful sun kissed skin that I badly wanna melt my mouth on. Her wet dark brown hair hung below her shoulder that I wanna run my hands on. Bare faced, no makeup on, just natural. She is a defination of pure bliss. Everything about her makes me loose control.

She was looking breathtakingly beautiful!

I slowly made my way towards her. Her innocent eyes stared at my lust filled one. Her eyes getting glossy as she stared at me. Her expression saddened me. I deep down wished she would give herself to me happily without being forced so that I can make her feel loved and protected. But the fact that she is so fucking stubborn triggers me! I took her tattoed wrist and placed kiss on top of my name. As mentioned she is all mine. I kissed her forehead softly and hugged her. I felt herself relax a bit which made me smile. I closed my eyes and buried my face at the cock of her neck, inhaling her toxic scent. She smelled like a whole fucking flower garden! I can feel myself getting hard.

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