Chapter 5: Undercover

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BZZZ! The phone buzzing woke Gillian from her sleep, she grabbed her phone and read the time 5:30am. Her eyes widened to shake the sleepiness to prevent her from going back to sleep. 

Gillian's POV

I wonder if the girls are awake yet, but if they aren't they should be awake. I decided to call the group chat


Violet joins

Savana joins

Lilly joins

Gillian: Good Morning Fam!

Lilly: *tired voice* Mornin' 

Savana: *tired voice* Mornin' 

Violet: GOOD MORNING!!!!

Gillian: How is everyone feeling? 

Lilly: Tired 

Savana: exhausted but pumped 

Violet: IM READY!

Gillian: Anyways i'll pi- oh wait hold on i'm getting a call be right back

She answers the call and it read Axel

Gillian: Hello? 

Axel: Gillian, good morning *smiles while talking*

Gillian: Good morning to you too Axel

Axel: Okay, about last night

Gillian: What about last night? 

Axel: I'm picking you and the girls up

Gillian: Oh yeah you are too. 

Axel: Yeah, but the thing is, I can only one of youse

Gillian: Oh, okay well, I'll let the girls know and vote for who to go with you

Axel: O-oh okay, I'll wait 

Gillian: Okay, call you back in a bit

Axel: O-okay 

Ends call with Axel. 

Joins back into group call.

Gillian: Hey guys, I won't be able to take you guys with me to school, cause remember we all agreed on Axel taking us?  We must've forgotten to remind ourselves before we left that area *chuckles* 

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