35. Spoiled Royals Don't Climb

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"Keep moving."

"Keep moving."

"Keep moving."

"Stop that."

"Stop that."

"Stop-- oh."

Ugh! I was on my third evacuation of the day. This group was unfortunately made up of a lot of younger girls who did not enjoy the hike through the woods. Every time I called an encouragement over my shoulder, it was echoed several times down the line. At the tail, I could see Kellen succumb to a fit of silent laughter at my expense.

We would be running students out of the Academy until the next afternoon, when most of the students would be out here and not trapped within the school. Somewhere else in the early evening, three other groups were also hurtling through the trees to their safety.

I shifted my weight, jostling the packs on my back into better positions. Packs, multiple. As in I carried not only mine, but two for younger girls; a sacrifice I was willing to make, knowing that this trip through the woods would be my last for the night. Other groups would be leaving and arriving after us, but given the two hours it took us each way, this was it for Kellen and I till morning.

There was a whispered rustling that snaked behind me and suddenly Kellen was at my side, "What is that?"

Behind us, our entire group had stopped and was crouched down, barely visible in the swathes of tall reedy dead grass that was alongside the sparse trees. We listened for some time and I heard what Kellen must have, a faint echoing of branches snapping at regular intervals which could only mean footfalls.

Were we being followed? There were other groups evacuating too but none of them should have been this close to us.

Kellen, despite the panic I could read all over him, put himself between me and whatever was nearing us—because it was nearing us. I wanted to hit him, because if it came down to it, we both knew I offered us more protection.

Kellen's knees buckled and he dramatically collapsed into the grass when Jackson's head popped up over the grass.

"Oh, Thank God!"

"What the Glitter, Jackson?" I whisper-yelled, "You nearly gave your drama queen lover, here, a heart attack."

"Shut up, Cole!" Kellen smacked me as he gestured back towards our evacuees.

"Whatever, they already know you two are attached at the hip. What are you doing here, Jacks?"

He gestured at his running partner, and huffed, "Sophie thought she saw someone way, way behind us and our route was a little too open so we detoured to your route."

His words sent a chill through us and we all started moving again, this time much quicker than we had before and without any complaints. Jackson and Kellen sent Sophie and I ahead with both groups while they backtracked to try and see if we were being followed.

It wasn't long before we'd reached the rock face we needed to climb, and we began our ascent one after the other, dropping ropes back for the people to come after us. We were halfway through when Kellen and Jackson returned, out of breath from having run back to us.

"No one. There's no one back there."

"You covered your tracks anyways?" Even I was annoyed at my tone, but we could never be too careful. Kellen grimaced at me, but nodded as he helped a freshman climb up.

When all but the two of them had climbed up, they decided to rest.

"You should just come up here."

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