part 8

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Priya's POV

I was explaining him how it exactly happened even though he was not listening to me. I didn't even realise wn he pulled me inside his room n pinned to the door, that much I was into my explanation. I wouldn't have behaved this way but after that encounter, things are became different. I was pinned between him n the door still I didn't stop blabbering. But he did something which I have never imagined nor dreamt of. I was beyond shock that I didn't react for a moment but reality strikes me. I have to do something but what I should do? My brain stopped working. I was just blank as white paper. Finally gathering my sence i placed my palm on his chest n tried to push him but he easily detached my palm from his chest n entwined my fingers with his. I started to wiggle but he didn't budge. Wn he felt that I was chocking out of breath he left my lips. I was panting like a marathon contestent with closed eyes.

Yes!! he kissed me. He kissed me Just like that. Is it right? But I am feeling no wrong in wtevr just has happened. But y?? Even I am unaware of the reason.

Once my breaths became even. I opened my eyes to get a view of him staring at me but what astonished me was his smile. This is the first time I am seeing him smiling. I blinked my eyes several times to confirm whether I was dreaming or its really happening. I got the confirmation that I am not dreaming wn He held my both palms n my body didn't forget to shiver at his touch.. Taking them to his face level he rubbed them on his cheeks. Color which was sticked on my palm shifted to his cheeks.

I really don't like this festival but heard nathasha saying it's ur favourite among all. Saying this he Again smiled n started leaning towards me.

O god this damn mouth y can't it say something. Y my toungue is not twisting n what happened to my vocal y it's unable to form the words. While I was scolding my speaking system. He rubbed his right cheek on my left cheeks slowly. I never thought this man touch would effects me this much that I will let him do wtevr he wants to do. Unknowingly I closed my eyes as he rubbed his left cheek on my right one. Once he done coloring me in his way he distanced himself but not too much. There is only an or 2 inches gap between us.

Happy holi Priya! He wished me. I didn't even composed myself from his latest touch. He placed his palm on my cheek n his thumb started to caress my lip corner.

Say something he asked me but didn't Stop his thumb moment which was disturbing my sanity.

Wr did that talkative Priya go? U used to speak wn I was not listening. Now I want to listen ur voice speak up Priya.

Is he really ram kapoor or someone duplicate of him. I was so confused where he was just staring into my eyes smiling constantly.

No I can't take it anymore. Wt to do?wt to do? Yes!! Finally my brain worked.

I decided to do something  wt I usually do wenver I get into the situation like this. Escape!!

I pushed him little farther n turned to open the door so that I can get out of from here.

I pulled down the bolt n was about to open the door. before that he closed it n locked it again standing behind me. This time I really got furious n turned towards him.

Omg!! he is giving me shock over shock. What he thinks of me do I look like a mental patient who is in need of shock treatment.

He was on his knees holding a bunch of rose n a ring box.

forwarding his hand with the bunch of rose infront of me he said I love you.

I am damn sure he said those words only once but for me it's echoing in my ears in BTS affect. N guess what involuntarily my hands got hold of that bunch of rose n my heartbeat become rapid. I felt like my heart was jumping in happiness like i was waiting to hear these words from him since long n my lips also betrayed me curving into smile.

Like seriously!! something like this can really happen?!!!

Is it possible to fall in love with someone without getting any hint?!!!

Am I in love with ram? But how come I myself not aware of it?!!!

These thoughts are blocking my already blocked mind.

He stretched his palm infront of me which broke my chain of unanswerable thoughts.

Wt is leftover? My brain mocked n next moment I placed my left palm on his. Will u marry me. He asked holding my hand then smilingly slipped that shining diamond ring into my ring finger.

did I react anything for what he asked? maybe yeah... my neck also might have betrayed me nodding yes. So only he made me wore that ring. I took my hand n my eyes got stuck on the ring. It was simple yet elegant n perfectly fitted to my fingers like it meant to be in my hand.

Priya.. he called me with uneasiness n I shifted my gaze to him. I was so lost in admiring the ring I almost forgot he is still in the same position.

Sorry!..  Wow!! I finally spoke.

Miming a sorry I forwarded my hand to him. Taking hold of it he stood infront of me. Wn I tried to pull back my hand he tightened his grip which made me look at him.

I know what you r thinking. He comes closer same like before. U no need to reply now itself. Take ur time. I don't want to pressurise u n don't ask me anything. Because I have no answer to give u. It just happened. But trust me I love u n really really do. U r the n will be the only love in my life. He paused.

I love you Priya... Once again he confessed his feelings so easily directly looking into my eyes.

It made me realise but not his words his eyes. They are  conveying so much more than his words do.

How stupid u were not to notice it till this day. He is ur man priya.. such a dumb u r... U took this long time to just to analyse this. my heart Made fun of me.

Yeahhh... Now I am clear about my strange behaviour.

U let him kiss u n felt no wrong in that. he has full control over u that ur body n heart r reacting the way he wants. Still wt r u waiting brain shouts at me n I don't know what got into me I just hugged him.

Along each second my grip was getting tighten.

I felt home. I felt secured. I felt loved. I felt cared. I felt belongingness. I felt comfort n I felt complete.....

His heart beat was giving me the solace which I never felt in my life n I haven't experienced the feeling what his hug is giving me right now.

I can stand like this till eternity being secured in his arms.

With lots n lots of love and hugs
Ur prathika

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