Chapter 1

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I woke up this morning to hear my name being shouted "MADISON!MADISON!"
"WHAT" I screamed back with attitude because let's just say I was not to eager to be woken up this early on a Saturday.
"You have to get up for volleyball practice" my brother Mathew tells me ,
now standing in my doorway.
"What time is it" I ask I groggily because I am not a morning person to say the least.
"7:20" he mumbles
"WHAT!!!!" I scream jumping out of bed to start frantically searching for my nike shorts and sports bra for practice.
"Mathew you were supposed to wake me up at 7:00 now I have to be at practice in ten minutes and if I'm late I will be telling the coach to make sure you run with me!!" I scream while still trying to find my shorts because I lose everything.
He just rolls his eyes and says to meet him downstairs.
After getting ready I run downstairs and scream to Mathew
You see Mathew has football on Saturday mornings and rides home with his friends after his practice
so we ride there together and i take the car home after my practice.
"Oh, and Madison the magcon boys will be at the house when you get home soo....." He tells me kind of more like a question than a statement.
"What, Mathew they can't come they don't know about me and I am not meeting them"
No one understands my problems with meeting Mathews friends. it's not that I don't like them it's just that they seem kind of loud and annoying.
"I don't know what to tell you mads" ( a nickname Matt have me as kids)
"Well then I'm not coming home"
"Just tell your coach you have to leave early for a family emergency and get home before they do, they will be there by 12:00 so it shouldn't be that hard " he says In a "duh" kind of tone
I just mumble a "whatever" am get out of the car on my way to practice.

I know I am not that good of a writer but hang on there with me bc trust me it will get better!!!

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