Chapter 8 - lies and favours?

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As I'm playing I stop like half way through because I see some money get dropped into my guitar case. I look up and see... Caleb, my sister's boyfriend (A/N Caleb is another one of my characters, this Caleb is not Covington, he is someone else entirely. Please don't use him in ur stories without my permission). 

I move over giving him room to sit next to me, and he does. We're pretty close especially considering that he's dating my sister.

"Hey," he says. "I thought you might be here - you weren't answering your phone." I still don't speak so he continues. "Are you ok man? If you want you can come to my place and we can hang for a bit. Bring Alex and Reggie too, we can have a guys day, heck bring all the guys at school. The more the merrier right? Plus it gets kinda lonely when your by yourself 24/7."

"Haha yeah I guess. Wait doesn't Kit go over sometimes?" I respond, shocked. She's lying? Why has she been lying?

"Uh yeah, she did, she kinda stopped a few months ago though. Then we pressed pause."

"You did what?!" I whisper; putting him into a headlock. "I told you that if you hurt her I'd hurt you times ten."

"She- p- she- pressed- pause- n- not- me." he gasps.

"W- What?" I release him and freeze.

"It wasn't me. I swear. I didn't do anything."

"I- I have to go." I pack my guitar up and run back over to all my friends. I don't know whether their situation is better or worse? They've stopped arguing, but Flynn and Carrie are nowhere to be seen, Julie's sitting at a park bench, filming Reggie who's probably chasing another flying thing around the park and Alex is running after him. 

"ALEX! ALEX!" I shout at him making him stop. "GET IN THE CAR NOW!" 

"OK, COMING!!" he runs over and gets in the driver seat of his car. I start walking around to the passenger seat but I'm stopped by Julie screaming at me. 

"Luke! Where did you go? Luke! LUKE!! Answer me. Ok then tell me where you're going now."

"Somewhere. Round up the others ok? Meet us back at your place." I speak in a monotone and don't give her a chance to respond. I just get in the car, and Alex drives off. 

"Hey, you ok man?" Alex says filling the silence.

"Yep!" then I add when he gives me a "really" look. "Fine, I'm not ok. Kit's been lying to me and won't pick up her phone I've tried texting and calling her millions of times; she just won't pick up."

"Do you think something happened to her? Cause if it did, I promise you she'll be fine. She can handle anything!!"

"Yes and no. She's been lying to me. She keeps on saying that she's going to hang out with Caleb but... well lets just say that he told me that he hasn't seen her a lot lately."

"Where do you think sh-"

"She's at Miriam's. Mim invited Char and her over for a sleepover."

"Ok. You should call them."

"Can I use your phone? I'll put them on speaker."

He just nods; keeping his eyes on the road.

*On call*

Mim: Hey Lex what's up?

Alex: Hi, just so you're aware, your on speaker phone in the car. Luke's here, Reggie's not.

Mim: Alright. Ok. Umm why did you guys call then? Not that I'm complaining.

Luke: Is Kit there?

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