Chapter 15 - The Crash

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Luke: I've got a place for tonight. I'll contact you guys tomorrow. I have to eat dinner now. Bye.

Luke's POV

It's been a week since I told Reggie and Alex that I didn't want to be in their plan.

Their plan was to organize a date between Julie and Nick through Julie's phone. Then they were going to ghost him or beat him up or something. Instead they just beat the hell out of him at school; it made them more popular, I guess. Except it was in front of everyone. Everyone. Every. Single. Fucking. Person. Jules ended out getting REALLY mad at them because, as I told them, she can handle herself and for the fact that Reggie was snooping around her messages.

Jules hasn't spoken a single word to me nor left a note in the pot, so I've given her some space. I kinda have everyone some space I guess? I think that everyone who is "close" to both me and Jules is realizing that both started getting upset at around the same time.

I haven't really been doing much for the past week or so, and every day I just feel like laying in bed and doing nothing.

Principal Lessa noticed that I was at school the day Reggie and Alex beat Nick up but that I stayed off to the side as the event took place and that I've stopped messing around in class and stuff and that I've been keeping to myself a lot lately so she booked me in for some appointment with a mental health, doctor, person. What do people call them again??? Oh yeah, that's right; a therapist.

Im actually on my way there now. When I arrive I park my motorbike and enter the building it looks pretty old from the outside and is under a few renovations, but when I enter, it's actually pretty neat.

I go up to the desk and introduce myself. "I'm Luke. I'm here to see Ms. Covington."

"I'm Olivia." she says, in a VERY flirtatious manner.

"No, I have a girlfriend. Just sign me in."

I mean I don't actually, but she doesn't need to know that!! She's of no importance to the story of my life.


I sit down on a couch in the "waiting room" if you can call it that. The room is separate from the entry way, where Olivia is, and feels like it's just been pushed off to the side. They've pushed a few old chairs up to a table and shoved a couch or two in the corners. They did manage to put a tv on the wall that has some pretty good service which surprises me, considering that this place looks like some weird budget thing.

About 10 to 15 minutes later, an older lady, who looks incredibly familiar might I add, comes out and calls my name.

She takes me towards a room and I get a weird sense of deja vu.

We enter the room, where the lady turns on the lights, gets me a glass of water and makes sure I'm settled in before stating "Mrs. Covington will be with you shortly." and leaving the room.

As soon as she leaves I get a flashback, but I don't actually think it's a flashback because I've never seen the place where "I" am at.

*** Flashback ***

"Luke, it'll be good for you to have a sister. Someone for you to play with or tease. It'll be fun." My mom says to me as we enter the orphanage.

I'm only six, and I've been an only child my entire life, so I don't know how I feel about having a sister.

"Come on kiddo. We'll get ice-cream after." My dad says in a last minute attempt to bribe me.

An old lady comes out and starts speaking to my mom.

"Hello, my name is Anne. Let me guess, you are the Patterson family and your looking for a girl."

"Yes you would be correct."

"What age would you prefer she be?"

"Six. We want her to be the same age as Luke, our son." My dad butts in, pointing at me.

"Yes well of course. I think I know the perfect girl for you. Her name is Sophie, she loves drawing and is a social piranha; meaning she loves to talk but is very shy. Would you like to meet her?"

"Yes please." Mom says.

*** Flashback ends ***

What the fuck was that?! I must be getting a migraine. Maybe I'm starting to hallucinate.

Not even two minutes later a tall, blonde woman walks into the room and takes the seat opposite me.

"You must be Lucas Jonathan Patterson. Am I correct?" She says reading off of a clipboard.

"It's Luke."

We sit in silence for about two minutes, because she was writing some stuff down on her clipboard, before she breaks it again.

"Tell me why you think your here."

I don't respond because I don't have to open up to a complete stranger!! Instead I give her an evil eye.

"Come on now Luke, if you don't talk to me then I'm going to have to call your mom."

"What?!" How on the face of the earth does this place have my mom's phone number?!

"Or is Anne your guardian?"

"Um yeah."

"She's worried about you, you know. That's why she made this appointment. That's why everyone makes an appointment for those they love."

"Pft. She doesn't love me."

"I'm sure she does."

"Oh no, trust me, she doesn't."

"I don't think you believe that."

"Well then you think wrong. She's my fucking teacher. She definitely doesn't love me; I've given her a lot of grief over the past couple of years."

Realizing what I just said; I grab my jacket off the back of the seat, and rush out of the building.

I put my helmet on my head, start up my bike, before speeding off toward Caleb's house.

Usually it would take my about seven minutes from this side of town, but today I think I'll be a couple of days, maybe a week, or perhaps a month. Why, you might ask? Well  the thing is: I may or may not have had a small crash. And may or may not be in a coma right this very second.


A/N I am so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated, I hope that this chapter is ok.

Remember to stay safe, happy, and well.



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