69: Trust

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"I've gotta hand it to you...your attitude's still bad even after so many years."

An ultimatum, huh? Just a little bit more and it would've turned into a vow; selling out Sukuna's body for me to destroy, and in exchange for the lives of his clan if I chose not to. 

If that's the case then Megumi and Maki would be included in his oath then?

Smart move, Bianchi...a very smart move.

"The storage has been breached! Search for the culprit immediately!"

"Inform the elders!"

"Tch! Of all times?! Naoya-sama will not like this."

Bringing Bianchi's remains and the Black Rope with me just as he instructed, I stored them to my domain first before making my way out of the basement. The alarm was still on but before they could even find me, I was able to slip past its barrier first.

I grabbed some of the hanging robes nearby and casually mixed myself with the rest of the folks in their compound. As the rest was searching the area, I went to the opposite side and made my way to the edge of their property.

I warped myself back to Shibuya after I slipped past them and arrived at the East Shibuya Station where I was supposed to meet with Tsukumo, about 10 minutes late from our allotted meet-

Suddenly feeling an ominous aura from behind, I swung my arm only to see that it was her trying to sneak up on me.

She deflected it with her arm before letting out a laugh.

"Haha! Nice! Stealth is my expertise but then you noticed me right away. Man, you've indeed become a curse, Sayuri!"

It was her.

"How unusual. You're already here, Yuki." I deadpanned.

"Hey, I'm punctual with my own time! Anyway, it's you who's being unusual. You were late...where were you?"

I stripped off my jacket and changed my clothes into a clean tank top, partnered with the robe that I got from earlier.

Tsukumo whistled as she looked at my body. She probably expected to see some changes but failed to do so.

"I went to the Zenin's to get my relic back." I replied after pulling my naginata from my domain and worn its strap to my shoulders.

Yuki pursed her lips and stared at me.

"The Zenin's? Stealing from them is troublesome, Abe."

"I don't care. It's not like I looted their tools, I only came to get back what's mine."

Yuki started muttering to herself consecutively while holding her chin and assessing me from head to toe. "You're right. You don't look like a curse at all, Sayuri...why is that?"

"No...you're not even a full-fledged curse."

"It's a long story. But I really am dead. Right now, I'm just a half-curse because my cursed energy prevents me from becoming a complete one." I replied.

"When you mentioned Ryomen Sukuna killed you...was he the one who turned you to a curse as well?"


"This is not a natural process of converting someone to a curse, Abe. There are remnants of old sorcery here." She then pointed her index finger to my heart and tapped it several times.

I've got to hand it to her, Tsukumo Yuki's really knowledgeable in this field.

I actually wouldn't be surprised if ever she finds out that Sukuna and I share our souls. She can find it out, but I wouldn't be the one to tell her.

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