A normal day

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Hayden's POV:

I stumbled out of my bed as my alarm went off. I groaned as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and walked to the shower. After I had washed, I started on my exercise. 60 push ups and Haddock knows how many other things later, I got dressed and headed down the stairs for my breakfast.

As I sat as the table, Dad walked in and grunted,"Don't forget to catch the bus, Hiccup!" 

It's always like this, I've always been his disappointment. Just because I'm the only one in the family to not have gained their power yet. I should explain. Every member of this stupid world by the age of 10 is gifted a power from the Gods. Me and my group are an exception apparently as we are now 15 and still don't have powers. It's ironic as well, I hayden haddock is a direct descendent of the Hiccup haddock who ascended to godhood all those years ago.      

Anyway, I still made my way to the bus for my daily dose of agony. "Yay! Pain love it!" As I stepped onto the bus I heard my friend call from the back

"Hayden! Back here!" 

I grinned and walked down the aisle towards them. As I passed one of the seats, a foot stuck out and I tripped.

"Hey there, Useless! What's a powerless thing like you doing going to school!" Scott, my cousin laughed.

"Hey Snotty! Leave him alone!" Josh yelled from the back.

Snotlout as we called him, turned to Josh and heated up his hand using his nightmare powers while pushing him back. Josh screamed in pain as the palm burned into his skin. I pushed Snotlout back and ran to Josh pulling him back to his chair. 

"Why did you do that?" I whispered at him.

"I'd rather be the one to get hurt than any of you." he replied. I shook my head at this.

"Josh, you don't have to. I'm used to this." I said. He smiled grimly.

"You shouldn't be! It's wrong and immoral but they don't see it that way do they!" He suddenly yelled.

"Shut up! both of you!" the person sitting in front of us yelled.

Josh instantly turned to the person,"Oh so the Great Astrid Hofferson decides to give her opinion on the situation.....Go to Hell, Hoffy!"

The bus came screeching to a halt and we ran for the door but as Josh made to walk towards the entrance to the school, he was grabbed and hit in face. He sighed and stood up.

"You know Hoffy, I have no qualms about hitting a girl if she threatens me or my friends!" he chuckled massaging his face. Astrid then said,"Fine then, hit me!"

Josh walked forwards and I grabbed him,"Don't take the bait. let's go!" He nodded and followed us. 

"That's it! Run Joshie bitch!" Astrid cruelly yelled after him. I should explain, Josh is quite feminine in his body structure and when we were in primary school, he was often mistaken for a girl. Now, he is occasionally mistaken for a girl but he is badly bullied at home by his step dad and at school for his more feminine posture. 

Anyway, we managed to get to the first lesson without much more trouble and settled down for our history lesson.

At lunchtime:

As we sat down at our table in the corner of the large cafeteria, having sat through a long, boring lesson by Dr Mulch on the History of Fishing in Berk. I poked at my hamburger and chips and gagged as the smell of processed meat assaulted my nose. I looked up and saw Jack wolfing his burger down  extremely messily.

"Jack! Must you eat like that?" I asked. He just grinned and replied.

"Gotta eat and keep my stamina up! You never know when snotty is gonna turn up!" 

We all laughed at that and then Josh's head hit the table with a huge slam. We looked up and saw Astrid looking smug. Josh sat up looking extremely dazed and groaned.

"Never start with the head, the victim gets all fuzzy and they can't feel the next..." Astrid's fist slammed into his chest. Josh staggered a bit and shook his head. "See? Nothing!"

Astrid swung at him again but Josh ducked and she hit the wall behind him. She cursed and he looked smug. "That's gonna leave a mark hoffy!"

She stormed off and left us in peace for the rest of the day. Thank Blackmane, she did! There was no escaping Snotty however as he did everything to make our lives a living Helheim. He slammed us into lockers, tripped us whenever he could and burned us with his powers. His excuse? Because he could and we annoyed his "Princess". It was a relief when we left for 'Gobber's Forge', my godfather's bar and garage to do our jobs.   

Jack's POV:

As we entered the Forge there was a wave of noise which could probably wake the Red Death from its slumber. 


I covered my ears as hiccup snarked back, "With the amount of noise you generate, I'm surprised that there are customers to serve, Gobber!"

We all laughed and bantered with one another as we went around our tasks in the Forge and finally, when our shift ended we headed home to catch a quick dinner and sleep before tomorrow.  

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