Yet another 'assassination'

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Gobber's POV:

"For thor's sake, Stoick! He left for this exact reason! Ya never acknowledged him or his achievements, did ye!!" I yelled in frustration at the  52 year old, stubborn man-child in front of me.

"He was never worth any of my time, Gobber! He was never was strong as I was, he would have never amounted to anything." He screamed back, spittle flying from behind his fiery beard.

I froze shocked and said in a hushed whisper,"Is tha, what tha really thought about ma godson, let alone your son??!!" He had the insight to look away before nodding. I tapped his shoulder and when he looked round, smashed him across the face with my prosthetic hand, sending him to the floor. 

"Let me never hear you speak of him in that way again. As of now you no longer have me as a friend, Stoick!" I exclaimed as I turned away, before whispering, "Valka would have been ashamed of the man you become."

I walked to my van in his driveway, getting in one side and out the next, disappearing into the shadows where the boys were waiting,"All set lads." 

Josh smirked as his thumb pressed down and my van disappeared in a fiery, red and orange cloud. He then raised his hand and we stepped though onto Berks docks, where we jumped onto a speedboat waiting for us and set off.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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