Home time

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Hayden's POV:

When I arrived home, I walked or rather bumped into my father and he just looked down at me on the floor.

"What are you doing down there? Get up and begin acting like a man!" He yelled and I just sighed and got up. He continued to rant.

"When are you gonna begin to man up and stop being a disappointment! Why could Valka have given me a better son!" At that I gave him a glare that could cut stone and stormed into the kitchen. 

"Where do you think you're going, Boy!" He yelled.

"I'm getting some food and out of the way of your bloody unjustified hatred of me, DAD!" I yelled back. He grumbled and walked up into his study to continue his government work. That's right my Dad is first minister of the Archipelago government and head of Security.

Joshua's POV:

As I stepped across the threshold of my house, I was hit with the sound of yelling from upstairs. Eyes frantic, I dropped my bag and ran upstairs and towards the yelling. I opened the door just to see my Step dad, the chief police officer of Berk, standing over my mother and I ran forwards to tackle him. He turned just as I hit him at waist height and sent him into the wall. I turned to my mother and yelled,"Run!"

My mother, Ellie Blackmane, ran to the door and herded my brother, Jordan, and my sister, Lianna, towards the safe room. We had a safe room for times like this. As I turned back around I was hit square in the face by a rock encrusted fist. I was sent flying into the wall and I slumped to the floor, happy that I had got my family out of the way.

 Sam 'Savage' Havidson, chief of police of Berk, stood over me and leered down. 

"Well, you didn't disappoint, Boy! I wanted to give you a lesson and now I've got you on my own I may just help myself to your female qualities!" 

I paled and backed away towards the door, but then two more people walked in and blocked the way. I turned back round and saw him grinning.

"I made sure you couldn't get away boy! Or should I say girl?" He said taking a step forwards. For the first time in a while I was truly afraid. I turned as white as a ghost and said,

"This isn't right, you're my dad and I'm your son!"

He chuckled and replied,"I'm not your dad, some other bastard was and you are no boy! Not with a body like that."

I yelled and screamed hoping that the neighbours would at least be alerted but then what could they do against the chief of police. He'd just say I was being a trouble maker and whoop me as punishment. 

"No one can hear you, girl! You are gonna be taught your place and no one will care!" He chuckled as he stepped closer. 

I closed my eyes and prayed to Josva that it would be over quickly. 

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