Later that week

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Heather's POV: 

I was in my favorite pub, The Forge, waiting for the four muttonheads to arrive. I reached into my pocket as my phone buzzed. Staring at the bright screen, I saw the message,

Joshua: "Not sure about this, Gobber might recognize us."

I growled in frustration and walked to the door. Outside there were four figures, now no longer armored. They looked up as I approached them.

"I have been waiting for an hour and a half for you to arrive! Get your arses in there now!"

As Hayden opened his mouth to object, I cut him off.

"If I hear another excuse, I'm gonna kick all your asses to Asgard and back, Rank be damned!"

They all blanched and finally followed me inside. As we sat  down, a huge shadow fell over us and we looked up. A huge man with a balding head and a braided mostash looked down on us with a glint in his eyes. 

"Wot do ya want?" He asked in a very thick scottish accent. We scanned the menu and ordered. Josh and Jack ordered a burger and a pint of beer (or in Josh's case, mead), Joe simply ordered a sandwich and a shot of mead, Hayden being a total lightweight, (as Josh was as well but doesn't care), ordered a coke and a cheeseburger and I just ordered a steak and a coke. Gobber peered at the boys for several seconds and then turned away to complete our order. 

Hayden turned to me, "Right, any info you got for us?"

I nodded, "Astrid and the gang including me have been pretty much working all week to try and pinpoint where you are. We're are getting nowhere and so Astrid is tempted to used the phone you gave her to organize a meeting and try to bring you down from the inside."

 They all nodded at this and Hayden spoke up, "So she's doing exactly as expected then."

I signaled them to switch subjects when Gobber returned. Gobber laid down our orders and then we saw his eyes open in recognition. 

" Ayden? Jack? Josh and Joe??? Is tha you?"

Hayden sighed and then grinned, "Indeed it is, old man. How have you been?"

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