The Assassination that started it all

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Astrid's POV:

I am now 8 years older and wiser. Just having recently celebrated my 23rd birthday, I was on my way to work. I work for the ASB or the Archipelago Security Bureau  alongside my squad. As I arrived at the building, it was chaos. I pushed my way through and made my way to my locker where I always met my squad. I greeted Heather, Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins.

"What's going on?" I asked. Heather replied, "The President of the Southern Isle has arrived to talk to Stoick about a possible alliance. Our squad has been assigned to bodyguard him."

I nodded and took charge, "Right get your equipment and be back here in ten! Dismissed!"

They ran off and I ran to my room. I took out my weapons and laid them out and checked them. 2 nadder heavy pistols, one suppressed, the other not, two razorwhip combat blades and finally my collapsible Valkyrie pattern battleaxe. I put them in to their compartments and having checked my pistols were loaded and that the safety was on, I strode out to rendezvous with the squad. When we arrived at the entrance, a car was waiting for us to take us to the President.   

We arrived outside the most expensive hotel in town, The Cove, and was sent straight up to his room. We waited in an anti-room for about five minutes and when he walked in, we all stood to attention. He looked at us, nodded and walking towards me, stuck out his hand."

"I assume you are the team assigned to protect me?" He said in a deep gravelly voice. I nodded.

"Let me introduce myself then! I am Reginald Westergaard, President of the Southern Isles!" he exclaimed proudly. As he  finished, an auburn haired young man in a white naval uniform, about my age poked his head around the door.

"Father, Minister Stoick is here! He's come to check that everything is in order."

Reginald spun round and boomed, "Hans! Can you tell Minister Stoick that I'll be with him in a minute? I'm just sorting out the security arrangements with these fine people!" 

Hans nodded and retreated out of sight behind the door. He turned back to us and said,"Now about the security........"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Page break~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Unknown POV:

"Executioner, come in!"

I pressed the comm link in my ear and replied.

"I am in position. Target has not appeared yet. Is Surtur in position?"

"Affirmative on all fronts!"

I nodded and waited for the target.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Page break (again)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Astrid's POV:

As this was a public event to show Berk and the world, the alliance between us, we were on the look out for potential threats to both Minister Stoick and President Reginald. My squad and I were  already stationed around the platform and the barriers.  We saw the car arrive with Minister Stoick getting out and then taking a seat on the platform and after five minutes, President Reginald arrived taking a seat next to Stoick.

Unknown POV:

"The Target is in my sights, Surtur do you copy?"

"I copy, shall I do the honors or you?"

"I don't mind, rock, paper, scissors?" 

"You're on."

"After three, okay."


"One, two, three!"

"Rock!" "Scissors!"

"Lucky bastard. Right you take the shot, I'll cover you!"

I chuckled as I zoomed in on the targets and squeezed the trigger.

Astrid's POV:

Just as Stoick and Reginald were just about to sign the paper, a report was heard, Reginald's head jerked and the wall behind him was painted red. I instantly yelled down the comms,

"Sniper, get down!"   

My team crouched down behind anything that could have been used for cover.

"Heather, Snotlout get up on the roof and see if you can see anything!" 

They ran off while I told the twins to move Minister Stoick back to his car and get him outta here. 

"Astrid, I see the sniper, she......anyway she's running along the rooftops towards Raven's Point. Snotlout and I will pursue."

"Affirmative!" I replied, "We'll back you up when we can!"

Unknown POV:

"Executioner, Surtur, were you just messing around?"

"Affirmative!" I replied cheekily. I could almost hear the facepalm down the comm.

"Just get back in one piece!"

"Affirmative, oh mighty Inferno!"

I slung my rifle over my shoulder and sprinted towards where I knew Surtur would be. As I ran across the rooftops, I heard gunshots and the stonework around me started to chip and shatter. I ducked behind a wall and yelled down the comm,


"Easy there executioner, just lining up the shot! Remember not to kill anyone but the target!"

"I know, I know! It's just that I'm kinda pinned here!"

A burst of gunfire was heard from my left and the shots raining around my ceased. I instantly sprinted and jumped towards the source. I slid down next to Surtur and relaxed. I popped a few shots towards the pursuers and chuckled.

"She really has them fooled dosen't she?"

"Indeed she does. Let's move!"

We got up and sprinted towards a wall. I reached out with my hand and we disappeared into the shadows.

Heather's POV:

Shit! Snotlout's injured and they disappeared! I radioed Astrid.

"Suspect had a friend and they got away. Snotlout is wounded in the shoulder and needs medical attention!" I reported.

"Affirmative, we'll be with you in a second. How is he?" I looked down at Snotlout seeing him leaning back against the wall, hand on his shoulder and grimacing in pain.

"He's in pain but should make it."

When Astrid arrived, I went down to where I saw the suspects disappear. Touching the wall where they had disappeared, I chuckled, "Good Luck boys, see you soon Josh!"

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