The investigation

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Astrid's POV:

"What the fuck happened out there??!!" Director Spitelout roared at us, "Not only was there a huge breakdown in security! THERE WAS A FOREIGN PRESIDENT SHOT ON OUR SOIL!!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THIS ENTAILS??!!!"

He coughed heavily after this and visibly calmed himself down. "You do realize that the Southern Isles could declaire war on us if we don't sort this out. This is why I have called you here. As the assassination happened on your watch, I expect you to investigate and hopefully redeem yourself."

I nodded and he passed us a very thin folder. I raised an eyebrow and for once he looked sheepish. "That's all the information we have on the suspect, sorry." 

He then coughed and returned to his normal self, "Right! Dismissed Hofferson!"

I saluted and walked away. I got to my squads offices and walked in.

"New assignment! Fish, this is all info we have could you make sense of it please?" 

He nodded and took the file from me, "Well, we have two apparent suspects. One seems to be feminine and about 5'11 while the other is male and 5'10, I'd say. They don't register on thermals apparently either, judging from the second photo."

I nodded and said, "Right, see if you can find any CCTV or security camera footage. Heather, how is Snotlout doing?"

Heather looked up from her desk and replied that he was down at the shooting range firing away and practicing his aim. I nodded and check the twins were doing their job of equipment cleaning. They were arguing who was better, so I sighed and just back to work. 

We worked into the next day. Surrounded by coffee, I jumped when Fishlegs suddenly sat up straight and exclaimed, "I've found them!" Instantly the gang were round his computer and we watched as the feminine figure raised a hand and they both disappeared into the shadows and the Fish switched to another camera as it showed them appear outside an abandoned facility outside of town and go in.

He turned to us and grinned, "They haven't left! I checked the camera for all of today, they haven't left yet!"

I instantly said, "Right, Fish keep checking, Snotlout, Heather and Twins get your equipment and get ready."

After a well earned rest for all of us, (I and the others had a nap while Fish kept watch and then I switched with Fishlegs so he could have a nap as well), We strapped on our equipment and notified the director. He said to keep them there and he'll send reinforcements when he can.

Half an hour later.......

As we approached the facility, the temperature dropped dramatically and we found ourselves shivering. We walked cautiously towards the main building guns at the ready. I saw a figure in dark armor and a red mask at a window and then he disappeared. The front door opened as we approached it and we stood stock still expecting a trap but we passed through with nothing happening. We reached the main room and walked in. There sitting in an armchair looking highly relaxed and flanked by two others was a completely black armored figure.  The door slammed shut behind us and he spoke.

"Hello there, Hofferson!"

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