The big snap

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Joshua's POV:

I woke in terror. I sat up and looked around. I saw Savage and his two 'friends' passed out on the floor and I looked down and burned with shame as I saw the extent of the damage. I stood up and instantly collapsed again as my legs gave way. I was so sore. Tears came unbidden to my eyes as I remembered what had happened.

I quickly pulled on my clothes from where they were strewn all over the floor. I noticed several tears on my trousers and shirt but they would have to do for now. I used the wall to get up and make my way to the door. As I stumbled onto the landing, I was caught by my mother, who noticing the state I was in looked at me shocked and whispered in a shocked whisper,

"He didn't, did he?" I nodded before breaking down and sobbing into her shoulder. She picked me up as best she could and supported me all the way to the safe room. I was lain down and my mother fussed over me, making sure to make me as comfortable as possible before turning her attention to my injures. As she worked, I slowly passed out of consciousness as the pain and bleeding out took its toll.

I woke just in time to catch breakfast and the bus. My mother said that using her power (her gift from the gods) she had managed to heal the worst injuries and said she didn't feel as though I should go to school today. I simply shook my head and insisted that I needed to go.

I walked up the hill towards the school hoping secretly that I had missed the bus but it passed by and pulled over as they noticed me. As I got on I was surprised to see Hayden, Jack and Joe on the Bus already. I looked down and saw the state my clothes were in. My friends looked concerned and I walked over to take my seat.

As I was walking down the middle, a hand reached out and slapped my ass hard. I yelped and turned round seeing Snotty grinning away. 

"I know you enjoyed that bitch!" 

I started to hyperventilate as the memory of last night came back and I started struggling to breathe. Hayden, Jack and Joe dashed forwards to grab me as I started to collapse. Joe pulled me a seat, Hayden was confronting Snotty and Jack was looking extremely concerned.

You see out of our group, I was the most outgoing, loud and friendly, Hayden and Jack were next while Joe was the quietest. Usually if Snotty had pulled a stunt like that, I would have decked him no questions asked but after last night, I.....was terrified.

I hadn't realised that Hayden was sitting next to me and talking to me. Then I heard,"Josh, what happened last night? You were fine when we left work and now you look terrified of everything and your clothes are in tatters." 

I looked at them and took a shuddering breath,"You know my Step dad right?"

They nodded and listened closely.

"Well, he decided to teach me how a 'girl' such as myself should behave! He never believed that I was a boy simply because of my physical body and it's not right! He was beating mum and I stopped him. Then he and a couple of friends of his started beating me up and they...they......"

At this point, I broke down sobs wracking my entire frame as the memories came back in full. Hayden, Jack and Joe comforted me as best they could but it wasn't enough. The memories didn't fade and wouldn't leave.


Hayden POV:

Poor Josh. This was basically Josh's nightmare incarnate. He'd just wanted to be accepted like the others but simply because of his physical shape, they cast him out, ridiculed and belittled him. We were now part way through the school day and he was still a wreck. I then looked around and noticed that Josh wasn't with us. I turned and told Joe and Jack that we needed to find Josh now. They nodded and we ran down the halls looking all over the school for him. 

We found him in toilets along with Snotty and his cronies. As we opened the door, I heard,

"Open the door bitch and we might go easy on you!" I heard the sound of splintering wood and then a scream. We ran in and I punched Snotty away from Josh, who was cowering on the floor with blood on his head, I then heard Jack and Joe pull Josh out of there. 

Joe's POV:

As we pulled Josh away, he started muttering something under his breath. I leaned closer and made out,

"Ashgorath cometh, Nay thy soul be forfeit!"

His eyes snapped open, pitch black with a dark glow, and he screamed,"Hear thee Son of Jorgenson! Josva has taken pity on you and only thy soul is forfeit for the crimes thou hast committed!"  

His hands lit up with a dark matter and he shrugged us off with barely any effort. He strode towards Snotty and threw up his hand. As if by an unseen force, Scott and his cronies were forced up against the wall. He curled his hand into a fist and Scott and his cronies slumped to the floor unconscious. Hayden ran forwards and his eyes then too light up with ethereal power.

"The darkness is unleashed! The Light will balance afore the world is torn asunder!" Hayden yelled. I felt a tingle in my fingers and looked down to see electricity flickering between my fingers. The temperature in the room dropped and as I looked at Jack, he raised a hand, creating a snowball. We ran after Hayden and Josh, who were dragging Snotty and his cronies to the cafeteria, eyes still glowing. The students in the hallway fell back as though forced and looked in fear at them.

When they reach the cafeteria, Josh picked up the now conscious Snotty by the throat, blasted the doors with whatever power he had been gifted and threw Snotty to the floor. Everyone looked up as we strode in. Astrid stood up and threw a nadder spine towards Josh. Everyone watched as Josh simply lifted a finger and the spine stopped in mid air, before dropping to the floor. He smirked and flicked some dust from his shoulder. Astrid suddenly screamed in agony as shadows formed behind her and restrained her while cutting into her flesh with the same nadder spine she threw at Josh. 

Josh smiled and spread his arms wide, "This is what it feels like to have power!" Turning to us he said,"You know when Josva gifted me this power he said use it to execute those who are unjust and immoral! I have found the first of these!"

Hayden then spoke up,"Josh, we don't have to kill them! I'm sure we can find it in our heart to forgive this slight and move on!"

Astrid then screamed out,"Forgive us for what? Freaks all of you!" 

I pointed a finger and electricity arched around her figure. 


Hayden then smirked and said, "Berk was never much of a home anyway! Let's go and cleanse this world of Evil!" With that we left the school and followed Hayden to his home to make a plan and finally rise above what we were.  

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