The meeting

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Astrid's POV:

He gestured for us to sit down and we sat down our guns pointing directly at the three people in front of us. I heard a voice behind me.

"Just a word of warning lower your guns now." I turned round to see the person in dark armor and a red mask. I sighed and holstered my gun and signaled the others to do the same.

"Now, why are you here and why haven't you killed us?" I asked knowing anger may just get us killed with no answers given.

He chuckled, "We were here to kill that President and well, we've done that so, we're now here to talk to you."

"Why would we talk with you scumbags!" Snotlout yelled before I could stop him. "You kill a president, you cowards!"

The man in the chair sighed and signaled the man behind us. There was a blur in my peripheral vision and Snotlout was knocked out on the floor. I stood up and a cough had me spinning round, followed by a slap from the armored figure.

Unknown POV:

Finally after all those years I got to hit  you back without using my powers. Serves you right Hoffy!

I stepped back and leveled my gun at her, using my voice modulator in my helmet, I switched it to the female voice I used in this armor to make people think I'm a girl.

"I suggest you calm down, I simply neutralized him so he wasn't a threat to him or us alright." 

She took a deep breath and calmed herself down. I was surprised.  She really managed to control her anger after all this time. Inferno took over.

"Miss Hofferson, It has come to my attention that you are very gifted and as a result I would like to offer you a place by our side."

She looked incredulous. "Gimme a second, but did you just offer me a job working with you when I've just seen you kill and innocent man in front of me! Also HOW do you know my name???"

"Trust me, Milady. He was not innocent by a long shot!" He retorted.I chuckled,"Trust me I know how long the shot was." 

She glared at both of us. He sighed, "Jesus, I'd forgotten how stubborn you Berkians are!!"

"What do you mean, forgotten?" She asked and I signaled the other that we had to leave now.

"I meant nothing and it seems as though our ride is here so goodbye!"  As I walked to them and as one we stepped into the shadows and disappeared.

Astrid's POV:

They got away AGAIN! I ran outside the building as I heard helicopter blade rotating.  I just saw them flying away  to the west in a military looking helicopter. I sighed as the director pulled up in his jeep with another two squads of people.

"Where are the suspects, Agent Hofferson?" He asked. I pointed to the swiftly disappearing helicopter and he sighed.

"Find out where they're going and track them down, use an means necessary." I nodded and as I walked away I put my hand into my pocket and found a note.

Dear Astrid,

I knew you wouldn't take my deal straight away, however if you want answers about anything, you will need to join us. We will know if you change your mind. If you do change your mind use this phone, it will take you to one of our meeting places and we will meet there.

Inferno, Executioner, Winter and Surtur

I looked at the gang and thought 'what phone?' I then reach into my chest pocket and found a phone.  I pulled it out and looked at it. How in all of Asgard did it  get there?

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