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Sal's Pov

I wake up and the smell of sweat enters my nose. I had a nightmare again. I kept getting these more often lately which doesn't let me sleep for days sometimes. Yesterday tho, i seemed to have fallen asleep eventually at some time. Most of the nights I'm just laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. Sometimes I go down into the basement to chill with Larry, he helps me distract myself at those times. But that doesn't happen too often, since I don't want to bother him. I know that he also has trouble sleeping, most of the time because he's thinking about his dad, so I'm glad when he gets some sleep.

As usually, I can't remember the dream. I just wake up drained in sweat and with a horrible feeling, which let's me know that I had a nightmare.

I should go and take a shower.

I open my door, leave my room and enter the bathroom. I avoid looking into the mirror once I arrive there. It would make sense if at least I would get used to my face after all these years but it doesn't seem so.

I quickly take a shower and put on my clothes. Then, I went into my bedroom again to put in my fake eye, which was swimming in a glass next to my bed and put on my prosthetic. I'm really glad that I have this mask. If even I get creeped out by my face, I don't want to know how others would react. I go into the kitchen with some hope of meeting my dad there. He already left, I figured as I didn't see him.
I sighed.
He's never home. I can't blame him, tho. He's got work to do. I just wish I would have more time with him. After the incident with my mother you must've thought that me and my dad would get closer, alone by sharing the pain. But this didn't seem to be the case.

As I look at the time i realized that I should get going or else I'd miss the bus to school. School. I don't want to think about that. This place is pure hell for me. Not because of the general subjects, I get pretty decent grades in every subject. Especially in Maths. It's because of no one else than Travis Phelps. He is a dude in my Algebra class and since I go to this school he decided to make my life hell. Not just mine, also my friends. He calls us slurs, beats me up and just can't leave us alone. One time, he punched me so hard in the face, that my prosthetic cracked. I needed to get a new one that day.
Larry is the only one that he's kind of scared of but that's probably because he's so tall. And he is not afraid to get into fights. If you're smart, you should be scared of him. That's probably the only proof that Travis has any braincells at all.

I just hate this guy's guts with all my life.

I meet Larry in the elevator on my way down. „Hey, dude! Man, I didn't get any sleep at
all.", he sighs.
„Me neither. I had a nightmare again. Also you smell like weed, like I could smell it before I even entered the elevator, dude.", I answer.
„Fuck off, drawing is more fun when you're stoned. Also, it keeps me chill." I just shook my head at that, without him knowing that I'm secretly smiling under my prosthetic. I was just thinking that I'd join him next time he smokes when the elevator door opens and we seeTodd standing in the lobby waiting for us.

He's one of our closest friends, a ginger and wears glasses. He's super smart and nice to be around. He has a boyfriend, which sadly made him to one of Travis' biggest targets. Sometimes we like to joke around that he's just jealous of Todd for being openly gay because he can't.

„You smell like weed.", Todd greets Larry and Larry let's an annoyed but amused groan out.
„Yeah, no shit sherlock?!", he snarls back. „Just wanted to let you know, in case you didn't notice", Todd smiles. I started laughing at that and as Todd joins me, Larry starts smirking too.

On our way to school, Todd tells us about the new feature he added to the Gear Boy.
„Now ghost hunting works a little better. It lights up green, when there's a presence close to us."

We kept talking about the Gear Boy and how excited we were to use it, till we arrived at school.

Travis' Pov

I weak up because of a stinging pain in my left eye. Shit. I must've moved in sleep and my pillow touched my eye. There was a big bruise around it, fresh from yesterday. My father beat me because I didn't wash the dishes the way he wanted me to. It has always been like this. He thinks parenting is better when you get a good beating, every time you do something wrong. My mum doesn't hit me, she's just watching him beat me up and doing nothing, which isn't much better. I understand her, tho. I also wouldn't want to interfere with him when he's angry.

I get up and look at the clock. My alarm already rang and I needed to hurry up, when I didn't want to see my dad.

I got used to leaving the house before he does so I don't meet him.

I hurry up and take off my clothes, trying to avoid looking at my scars and bruises. Shit. I hate this man. How can he still call himself a fucking father?!

I quickly put on some clothes and leave the house, before anyone else wakes up.

I need to walk to school, since there aren't any buses coming. Its kind of a long walk, so I'm alone with my thoughts.

I try to remember what I dreamed, but it was all blurry. I'm actually happy, that I never remember my dreams. They'd probably be about my father beating me and I already get enough of that in the day time.

As I finally arrive at school, I see a group of familiar people. That fucking freak Sally Face and his homo friends. I can't stand any of those people, especially the red head. I only know Sally Face's and Larry's names, so I got a few nicknames for them.

The red-head is just ginger and the weird girl with brown, long hair is bitch. I sometimes confuse her with Larry, tho. She's pretty protective over Sally, which makes my blood boil. Who does she think she is?!

I see Sally Face walking next to Larry, which looks a lot funnier than it should due to their big height difference. Sally Face is a lot smaller than Larry, I wouldn't even realize he's there if he didn't have fucking blue hair on his head.

Bitch goes over to Sally and hugs him and I hear him laugh, at some joke she made. How can he be happy to be around these people? He is so fucking weird. I feel anger coming up inside of me. Fuck. Why do these weirdos have friends while no one wants to talk to me? They probably think they're so much better than me.

I go over to them, to let out my anger.

"Hey freaks! Stop being so fucking weird. Your laughter is annoying as shit.", I yell, as I get closer to them.

"Shut up, Travis. No ones talking to-" Sally couldn't finish his sentence because of my fist collapsing with his prosthetic. He falls to the ground, holding his face, well prosthetic, at the place where I hit him.

He looks up to me and I see a mixture of anger and sadness in his eyes. It almost looks like he's holding up tears.

I know this face. I know how he's feeling. I can see the same feelings, that I have when my father hits me for no reason.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, dude?!" I hear Larry yelling after me, as I quickly make my way away from them, out of Larry's reach.

I'm not better than my dad. I'm the same. The fucking same. I know that. I already knew it the first time I hit Sally Face. I know it. I know it. I hate myself. So so much.

But there's no way in stopping. I tried. But everytime I see these freaks faces, something overcomes me. I can't hold myself back.

I hate myself so much for this.


oof i'm really nervous about publishing this! its only chapter one, I do not know if I'll keep on writing but till now it's really fun!!
I hope y'all enjoy reading whatever i did over there.
Have a great day!!

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