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-TW abuse-

Travis' Pov

Still in my thoughts, I make my way home. As usually, I take my time trying not to meet my dad too soon.

At some point, I still eventually arrived at my house. I take a deep breath, opening the door.

As I take of my shoes, my dad is no where to be seen. Where did he go? I mean, good for me.

"Travis, come sit with me. I made some lunch." I hear my mums tired voice telling me to join her eating.

I slowly make my way into the kitchen, seeing my mum at the table. I nod and sit down.

"Where's dad?" I ask hesitantly, not wanting to make her upset. She doesn't hit me, but she sure can get mad too. I don't blame her. She's been putting up with my dad's abuse way longer than I did.

"He's still at church, doing some... work. I think. How was your day at school, Travis?" she tries to change the subject.

"Alright, I guess. Nothing special happened." Yeah, well that was a lie. But I couldn't tell her that I helped that Sally Face freak. If my dad found out about this, I'd be dead. The risk is too high, that she's gonna tell him.

I quickly finish eating and get upstairs. I got some homework to do. I can't concentrate tho, I'm tired. Because of my painful bruising I don't get any sleep at all. I slowly doze of on top of my homework.

I'm in school, sitting behind the freak. The teacher wants me to answer a question but shit, I wasn't listening. I just now realize that I was staring at Sally Face.

He turns around, seeing me looking at his face, well, prosthetic. What might be under it? What could have happened to him, that he needs to wear that weird thing? He's probably just weird and thats it. But, I'm curious.

"You've been staring at me all day, thats fucking gay, you know that?!" I hear him say. But his voice sounds different. Normally, it's soft and nice. Now it's just harsh and it hits me like a fist in my stomach. Hah. Fist in stomach, I know that too well.
But... what did he just say?
Me, a homo? No way.

I've been just staring at him because he's so fucking weird looking.
Not because I like him.

I'm trying to tell him this exact thing but no words come out of my mouth.

"Hmh? Not even trying to defend yourself? You're a nothing. I hate you, and I will always hate you. You will never be good enough." His painful, harsh voice continuous to talk as he gets up to leave the classroom and with it, me.
I don't want him to leave.
Stay, please.

"Hah. You're so useless. You're a fucking homo. Look at that. I will never love you and no one else will." With these words he shuts the door and I sit alone. Trying to get up, to reach him but-


I hear my fathers yell, tearing me out of my dream. What happened?! I try to collect my thoughts.

"Why aren't you doing your homework?! You think you can just sleep and fail your classes like the fucking disappointment you are?!"

I see my father standing next to me, his face red out of anger. He's yelling. Shit, I must've fallen asleep on my homework.

"I'm sorry sir, I was just-"
"SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!" he interrupts my lame try to calm him down.
"I think you do need some discipline. If you can't even do your fucking homework right."
he yells, pulling me out of my chair on my shirt and throwing me on the ground. I try to get up, but I feel his foot kicking me into my stomach.

Save me, please.  -A Salvis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now