Help me

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!TW: physical and mental abuse!

Travis' Pov

I quickly go out of the bathroom and make my way home. I just hope they didn't call my dad yet. That'd be the end of me.

I didn't have time to think about anything just the feeling that I wouldn't want to see my dad. I was scared.

As I was standing in front of the door to our house, I hesitate to ring. I felt sick. My insides were turning around and I wanted to puke. With everything in my body, I didn't want to enter that door.

But I had to.

After I stepped inside I was able to hear my mum working in the kitchen. She was probably making lunch.

My dad was no where to be seen so I just walker into the dining room.

"Hey, Travis. Dad is still at work. He'll also attend to a church camp with his church members for the upcoming week. He'll leave this evening." she greets me, not turning around to look at me.

Those were great news. He was gone for a whole week? I can't help but smile.

„Oh, okay. When will he come home today?" I ask her.

„In about an hour. He received a call from your school, Travis. Why did you hit that kid?" she asks, now turning around to me. I can't make out what her expression means. She looks sad but also... scared? And disappointment.

I freeze at her question.

„He uhm he insulted me, mum. He provoked me. I know that doesn't excuse me hitting him, but he started everything." I gulp, not really knowing what to say.

„Travis, your dad wants to talk to you about this. You can't just hit other people and then expect nothing to happen." she almost whispers.

Hearing her say that makes me shiver.

„I- I know. How is the kid doing?" I actually don't really care but I don't want her to know that.

„He's alright. His nose was a bit damaged, but not broken." she answers, turns away again.

After she finished cooking, we sat there in silent and ate until I go up to my room. I don't want dad to come home. It'll be my end. He must be so mad. I'm scared.

I started doing my homework until I hear the front door opening. My whole body freezes and I suddenly have the urge to puke.

„Travis! Come down here!" I can heat him yell after me. He sounds angry and the sound of his voice makes me shiver.

I quickly make my way downstairs, my insides turning around again.

As I enter the living room, he stands next to my mother. She doesn't have any color in her face. But she also doesn't try to stop him.

„So, I received a call from your school today. You hit another boy with your food plate. In the face. Spilled food everywhere. Almost broke that kids nose. The whole cafeteria was watching you." he speaks in a calm but intimidating voice. I gulp.

"Is that true?" he asks, coming closer to me. It takes all I have to not run away and leave him here. I just stand still. The fear makes me feel dizzy.

"Yes, sir." I manage to bring out, forcing myself to look into his eyes. It wouldn't bring me anything to lie right now.

"All of those people. They saw what kind of disappointment you are. How my son can't control himself. Do you know what that does to my reputation?" His voice is rising and he's talking louder and louder with every word.

Save me, please.  -A Salvis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now