Car Accident

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Sal's Pov:

I open my eyes and find myself cuddled up close to Travis. What? What happened?

I flinch back a little, turning my head up so I can look at the blonde boy. His eyes are still closed and his breathing goes calmly. It's obvious that he's still sleeping.

I remember last night and my heart starts racing a bit.

Travis was the one who started this.

Maybe he doesn't hate me that much after all? I don't know. The thought of that made me smile.

Does that mean we're friends now? I mean, I cuddle with Lar all the time and it never meant anything different than friendship. You wouldn't cuddle with someone that you hate, would you?

But with Travis it was different. I don't know if I trust him, but in a weird way, I felt safe around him. After all, he helped me last night. Still, the cuddling felt different than it did with Larry. It felt exciting. Like something my body was aching to do for a long time and I just realized now. And at the same time it calmed me down like nothing did before.

I don't even know how to explain it. I just knew it felt good. So I wanted to enjoy it.

I pull Travis a little closer and press my face into his chest. His hand is still resting on my back and the memory of him drawing little circles on it with his fingers last night until I fell asleep makes my face heat up.

I wasn't used to him being that affectionate and it had more of an impact on me than I expected. He was being so soft. I never saw him like that before. Usually, he's all angry and tensed up but now? Now he's different. And to be honest, getting this affection from him made me feel dizzy -but in a good way, if that even makes sense.

I never thought that I'd get such a feeling from Travis fucking Phelps, but well, here I am.

Suddenly I hear crackling coming from the Walkie-Talkie laying on the table beside my bed and Larry's voice comes out of it.

"Sal, man?! I need to talk to you- are you there?" He sounds panicked which makes me get up quickly, shoving Travis aside softly.

I quickly grab the Walkie-Talkie.

"Yeah, man. What's wrong?" I talk into the Walkie-Talkie and my voice feels all raspy because of how tired I still am.

"Can you- can you come into the basement? Alone?" I don't really feel well leaving Travis alone but this sounds really important.

"Yea, sure, gimme a few minutes. I'll be right there." With these words, I jump out of bed and start stretching myself. I can feel that my prosthetic is shifted a little so I put it back in place.

That's when I hear Travis moving next to me in my bed. The talk with Lar must've woken him up. He turns around but luckily his eyes keep shut. If not he would've seen my empty eye socket and I really don't want to freak him out that early in the morning.

"What are you doing?" he mumbles into the pillow, his voice drained in sleep.

The sound of his sleepy voice makes my heart jump but I quickly shrug it off.

"I- uh Lar called me. He needs something, so I'll be in the basement for a second. You can just keep sleeping, man." I respond, while already making my way to the door, the glass with my fake eye in my hand.

"Mhm, yeah, okay." Travis turns around to face the wall and properly covers himself in the blanket again.

I quickly make my way out of my room and into the bathroom, where I put my fake eye in.

Save me, please.  -A Salvis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now