Goodbye, for now

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Sal's Pov:

Larry left my apartment after a while because Lisa needed his help down in the basement. I think he said something about broken water pipes but I can't remember to be honest. We agreed on meeting at Todd's at 3pm to talk about Mrs Packerton.

There's too much on my mind. Too many things at once and I can't seem to catch one clear thought. I still feel shaken from what Larry told me. I mean, we knew the cult was a problem and they've killed people before. But I never thought they'd go as far as to kill one of their own, just because some teenagers discovered the bologna thing?

And they managed to make it look like a car accident? This whole town is with the cult. We can't know what else they're able to do and I'm really fucking scared. We all are.

"Uh, Sal?" A, by now, familiar voice tears me out of my thoughts and I can see Travis standing in the doorway of my room.

Right, there's also Travis...

There's no fucking way I'll let him stay in the living situation that he's in right now. I just need to think of a way to get him away from his dad.

"Sal?" Shit, I was staring at him but didn't say a thing.

"Oh, yeah, right. I'm sorry." I quickly answer, shaking my head in a try to get the numb feeling away that comes with the overwhelming fear. It doesn't work.

"Uh, are you alright?" he asks and I think I can see a spark of worry in his eyes. But maybe I'm just imagining things.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Just in thoughts. Are you hungry?" I get up from the kitchen table with these words and walk up to him.

Travis just nods and let's out a sleepy yawn. I actually wanted to help him walk, that's why I got up, but he seems to be able to walk on his own by now. In general, his posture changed a lot since I picked him up from his home. I'm sure he's still in a lot of pain but he can walk with a straight back now. His bandages are shifted a little, probably from the sleeping, so I can see that his bruises are already fading too.

That realization lifts my mood a little and I give him a visible smile which he returns.

"Alright man, we should make breakfast then." I say and try to sound calm even though my mind is still going crazy.

I walk back into the kitchen and Travis follows me.

"What do you wanna eat, dude?" I ask him while standing up on my toes to open the cupboards in the kitchen. Travis comes up behind me and leans against the counter, letting a hand go through his hair. Its messy from sleeping.

"Cereal will be just fine." he answers and I just give him a short nod as an answer. I finally reach the cereal that's been stored in the cupboard and put it down.

"How are you doing? You look a lot better than on Friday, when I picked you up." I ask Travis while pouring the cereal in two bowls and getting the milk out of the fridge.

"I also feel a lot better. I don't think I ever slept as good as I did last night-" he suddenly stops talking and I turn around to face him in confusion. His face has gone bright red and there's a weird terror in his eyes. I give him a confused look. Why is he acting like that now?

As I was about to ask him what's wrong, I remember last night.

We fell asleep cuddling each other.


I completely forgot about that after the incident with Mrs Packerton.

The milk bottle slips out of my hand, probably a panic reaction, and spills all over the floor. Travis flinches a little at the sudden sound and I can feel my face burn. Thank god, I'm wearing this stupid prosthetic and he can't see the blushing mess I am right now.

Save me, please.  -A Salvis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now