Breaking Even

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Dimitri's POV

Ever since Dad dropped the bomb on me about my status in the company, I've been numb.

It's as if he doused me with a bucket of ice cold water! After he left, I spent the next few hours doing some introspection.

His words and Mom's resonated in my mind, and I broke down. I cried until my head hurt, then I drank myself into sweet oblivion.

I stirred awake in my bed, with a horrific headache. My head was pounding and the sunlight streaming through the window made it worst.

My phone beeped, signaling I got a message. As I took it up, I realized it was nearly 1pm. Shit, I missed work. The message was from Dad telling me to meet him at the office by 2p.m.

Tossing the phone on the bed, I hit the shower then got dressed. Grabbing my laptop, I exited the apartment into the humid weather.

As soon as I got into my car, I put the AC on full blast and headed to the office. The 20 minute  journey was mind boggling, why would Dad need to see me so urgently?

I weighed every option, ran every possible scenario through my head but nothing was forthcoming. He already had me step down so what could be worst than this?

The moment I entered SanTech, employees engaged in hushed whispers but I didn't give a shit. They were beneath me anyway, so why should their irrelevant opinions matter? I angrily punched the call button for the elevator and as soon as it opened, I stepped inside.

Moments later, I exited on the third floor and headed to Dad's office. Andrea was seated at her desk, she was shocked at my presence.

"Miii..Mr. Santiago, I didn't know you'd be in today." She stuttered.

Rolling my eyes, I glanced at her briefly. "Since when do I need to report to you?"

She lowered her head apologetically, which evoked a smirk from me. "I'm sorry Sir. It's just that Donald advised me you'd be taking time off."

I huffed angrily! That little shit just couldn't wait to gain control. He will be first on my revenge list.

"No worries Ang, I won't be long. Don't get too comfortable with Donald either, I'll be back before you know it."

She nodded. Without making anymore small talk, I headed to the office and banged the door open.

I snickered at my father's angry reaction. "You summoned me sir?"

He ignored my provocation. "Nothing has changed yet but anyway, take a seat."

I shrugged but remained standing. I was pained by how strained our relationship had become but I was was definitely too pissed to care.

"I'd rather stand if you don't mind."

Dad grunted in response. "As I said before the deal with Taylor's Inc is signed. The next part is PR."

My stomach dipped, and the veins in temple pulsed faster. He wouldn't dare!

"Please don't tell me Kayan is doing it!" I shouted.

Dad eyed me up and down, "Bingo! And you don't have a say in the matter."

To kick a man when he's fucking down! It seemed as if Dad enjoyed torturing me.

I looked at him defeated. "Couldn't you have chosen somebody else? Why are you doing this Dad?"

"She's the best and you know it. I didn't tell you to screw things up like this!" He admitted tiredly.

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