Face Your Demons 2

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Kayan's POV 2

I entered the hospital in a rush and for some strange reason my heart was hammering against my ribcage.

Chris was such a good man, mentor and friend. I really hoped that whatever was happening with him wasn't life threatening.

Entering the lobby, I scanned the area looking for Sandra, as I definitely had no business with Dimitri.

She was perched in the corner at the back, shaking like a leaf and crying. Walking over, I stooped infront of her and she launched herself at me.

"Oh Kayyyyy. I don't know what to do, I'm so scared." She sobbed.

My heart broke, hearing the despair in her voice.

"Calm down Sandra. You know the stress isn't good for you..." I dabbed her cheeks with the handkerchief she held as she hiccuped. "Now tell me what happened."

She took a deep breath, looking around so I figured she was looking for him.

"Dimitri called. He said they were in the office, things got heated and when Chris went to grab water he got lightheaded and developed breathing problems."

I nodded in understanding. "Well let's just wait to hear what the doctors say. Stay positive okay."

Sandra nodded and hugged me once again. "I know this is difficult but thank you so much for being here."

I smiled then took the empty seat beside her. A few minutes later, Dimitri reentered the lobby, and I must admit he looks like shit. He clothes was disheveled, his shirt was soiled with makeup and his complexion was pale.

Sandra grabbed my hand gently and squeezed, as if praying that nothing would escalate between us now.

He nodded at me then went to sit at the opposite side.

"Did you guys get any updates since you've been here? " I asked Sandra.

She replied no, so I headed to the receptionist desk to atleast try to get an update.

As soon as I approached, the nurse Kerry smiled at me.

"Hi, how can I help you today?" She asked.

I leant forward and whispered lowly, in an attempt to be discreet when mentioning his name. "I'm checking if there's any update on Christopher Santiago please. He was brought in almost an hour ago."

Her eyes widened at the mention of his name but I placed my fingers to my lips. She clicked on the computer and searched for a a few seconds.

"Im sorry i'm not seeing an update as yet. He's still in the OR."

Nodding, I stepped away and went back to Sandra who was waiting with bated breath.

I shook my head to her unspoken question and she sagged in the chair.

Giving her a side hug, I told her to relax as she rested her head on my shoulder. Dimitri was watching my every move but I pretended as if I didn't see him.

My phone began vibrating, and when I checked it was Karl.

"Hey babe, what's up?"

"Hey you, how are things going there?"

Sandra was smirking at me, as she pinched my arm.

"Still no news, but I'm with Sandra trying to keep her calm."

He sighed. "Okay, I'm at the house so keep me posted. If home boy tries anything, hit me up."

Damn, I love it when he uses that firm tone with me. I'd show him just how much later on tonight!

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