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Dimitri's POV

Each day that I'm laying in this hospital bed is like pure torture.

The time alone outside of visiting hours or nurses attending to me felt like I was stuck in a time loop.

I kept replaying all the shit I'd done in my head, I felt like I was going crazy. Each time I'd make a different decision which would lead to a better outcome.

The most painful was the day Kayan caught Mari and I together and when I almost raped her.

Regret keeps eating me alive, at nights my torturous mind won't allow me to sleep. During the days I had to stay awake for physiotherapy plus the poking and prodding by the nurses and doctors.

I looked like shit, literally!

Dark bags and sunken eyes, almost as if I'd aged significantly. I'd shed some weight as well but that I could always work on at some point in time.

My parents tried to be strong but I knew everything was eating at them.

Dad looked thinner, exhausted even while Mom appeared more slender.

My phone vibrated beside me. I grabbed it to check the notification, only to see a text message.

I hope you get well soon. Regardless of the circumstances, I wish you a speedy recovery.

Guilt gnawed at my soul! I felt as if I was suffocating slowly and it was agonizing.

Did I deserve her sympathy? Hell no!

I've been nothing but a conceited pig.

I hit reply:

Thank you, please know I'm truly sorry for all the hurt I've caused you.

Once I hit send, I placed the phone down and closed my eyes.

No sooner had I done that, the door burst open. In walked the bitch who drove a wedge between Mariana and I.

She looked strung out but still made a conscious effort to look presentable.

"So this is where you've been hiding." She snickered as she ran her manicured hand up my legs.

"What the fuck do you want and how did you get in here?" I seethed.

How i wished I could just slap the disgusting smirk lingering on her caked face.

"I have my means Dimitri. Did you think you'd be able to keep this hush hush forever?" She asked as she perched on the edge of the bed.

"You better get the hell out or I'll have you thrown out!" I shouted.

She tsked and placed a finger on my lips, effectively silencing me.

"If you don't want the world to know what happened with you and Mariana, you better shut up and listen."

I nodded like a little pussy. For once in my life, I actually genuinely cared about sparing someone else's feelings except mine.

If Mariana's attempted suicide were to get out, she'd be ruined.

Tanya pulled the chair closer to my bed. As I observed her, she seemed high as hell and her eyes were red rimmed and dilated.

"What do you want from me?" I asked slowly.

She sat down, crossed her legs and simply looked at me smiling.

"We have alot in common Dimitri. If you agree to work with me, we can both get what we want."

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