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Dimitri's POV

Blurred vision and a splitting headache were the order of the day.

I raised my hand in an attempt to massage my temple and that's when I felt the handcuffs.

Looking around the room, it dawned on me that I was in a hospital room.

Blotches of my memory surfaced and I closed my eyes, trying to block them out.

Mariana.  Police. Running. Falling.

I didn't need anyone to tell me the shit I'd gotten myself in.

I glanced around the spacious room and the only thing that laid on the table was medical supplies.

No one gave a shit about me and could I blame them? I've been the most self centered bastard for the last few months, even to my parents.

They've been nothing but supportive but what do I do?

The door open and I glanced over to see a young nurse entering.

"Good morning Mr Santiago, how are you feeling?" She asked politely.

I grimaced as I tried to sit up, she rushed to me pushing me back in place.

As she adjusted the pillow beneath my head, she spoke. "Try not to move Sir, you're spine is fractured in three places. I'll call the doctor."

She retrieved a pager from her pocket, punched in a few numbers then returned it.

"Dimitiri is fine. What's your name?" I asked, wheezing from the pain emanating throughout my body.

"I'm Nurse Calvo." She smiled as she checked my vitals and recorded it on the chart at the foot of my bed.

She adjusted the IV line and just as she was wrapping up, a doctor walked in.

"Hi Dimitri, I'm Dr Watson from the  neurosurgery department."

Neurosurgery? Wtf?

This must be bad if I need a neurosurgeon!

"Hi, can you tell me what's happening please?" I asked timidly.

He grabbed the X-ray films and showed me the fractures in my middle and lower back.

Dr Watson explained that I'd need a back brace, meds to help with bone density and physiotherapy.

I zoned out a few times as I looked at the possibility of jail time.

Dad always warned that my irrational thoughts or behavior would land me in jail but I just never listened.

As if he was summoned, Dad entered the room with Mom in tow. They both looked haggard but seemed relieved that I was awake.

Dr Watson brought them up to speed then left shortly after, causing a deafening silence to fill the room.

You could slice the tension in the room.

I cleared my throat, causing Mom and Dad to look at me.

When they did, I tried to muster the courage to speak. After taking a few deep breaths I did.

"I want to sincerely apologize to you both for everything I've done that has caused you pain or even embarrassment." I stated.

Dad's eyebrows raised, signifying shock while Mom's hands covered her mouth.

I can't recall if I've ever been this brutally honest and sincere with them. In retrospect, I've always taken my parents' kindness and selflessness for granted.

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