Chapter 9

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Sorry for not updating in so long. I have zero excuses at this point. Sorry.

It's already 5 pm. This whole day passed pretty normally. I went to drop off Eijaz to school, then went to work, got off work, picked Eijaz up, and went back home and ate.

Right now I'm going to the room to wash all these clothes. I usually do it in the machine but it doesn't really work well. So, I have to do it by hand. Like the old days.

Eijaz is in the living room building a 1000 piece puzzle. I don't know why he likes it so much though. I could never. I don't have enough patience for that.

"Eijaz you wanna help me wash the clothes?" I ask him.

" Do I have to?"

"Only if you think you're able to finish that puzzle by dinner." I challenge him.

He looks at me with a knowing smile and says, "Deal!!"

"Okay! But if you need help, ask me!" I say

I turn around and go to the backyard to start washing. It's actually quite simple since I use magic.

I have the ice element, but I with a special mana stone, I can use the original form of my element, which is water.

The stone is quite expensive and it last for only an hour. Fortunately, and that's all I need.

The clothes that I need to wash is quite a lot though. I wasn't able to wash last week since we had stayed at the Wels house.

Y'all might think this is weird. But, like I've said many times, they are like my family.

Plus Eijaz is happ- UGHHH!

I fall down clutching my head.

Where is he?

He's going to leave you


He's in danger

Then I realize.

I go running to the living room and see everything is normal but where's Eijaz?

I start to run all around the house looking for Eijaz

"Eijaz! Are you here?!"

I go to the restroom and a bad feeling settles in.

"Please don't start playing Eijaz"

I go outside and the sun is starting to set.

"No no no this is the time when beasts start to roam around."

I then see some tracks of Eijaz feet and start to follow them.

Then the pounding headache starts again

He's in danger

Help him

"Shut UP!"

I regain my composure and start to track him again.

I feel tears streaming down my face. What is happening?

I meet the end of the trail and it's right in front of the forest.

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