note ~♡

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Alhamdulillah complete pun squad 23 ni. thank you very much for all of your support 🥺 korang rajin gila comment dan vote, thank you tauuu. you guys always say squad 23 best but for me i think ada banyak lagi kesilapan yang perlu diperbetulkan and my plots really serabut 😭

sorry for making you guys baca cerita yang macam gini 😭 anyway i noticed that ramai yang akan tak puas hati dengan cara kay ended squad 23 ni. i apologize sebab ending macam terlalu cepat. tapi insyaAllah i will publish sambungan squad 23 ni.

you guys might be confused with my story, but little did you know, saya pun tak tahu apa yang saya buat. i would like to explain but takut jadi spoiler pulak tak best la nanti untuk the second season gichu AHAHAHHA.

thanks tau sebab selalu support me and understand me. still sabar walaupun kay update rarely 🥺 ily guys so much ♥️ and i think i make friends with u through your comments. ngl, your comments always make my day 😭

last but not least, HAPPY EID! SELAMAT HARI RAYA YEOREBUN ~♥️! mcm dah lambat je wish ni. ingat nak wish sekali ngn chapter 34 entah mcm mana boleh terlupa pula. kay menyusun sepuluh jari tangan sepuluh jari kaki memohon maaf andai kay pernah menyakiti sesiapa, maafkan kay tau. kalau ada apa-apa yang tak puas hati, jom kita gusti kat comment beramai-ramai AHAHAHA.

stay safe everyone! duduk rumah elok elok makan ketupat dengan kuih raya 🥺♥️ insyallah bila kay dah dapat figure out plot yang sesuai untuk sambungan squad 23, kay akan announce kat sini, love you guys hehe <3333

stay safe everyone! duduk rumah elok elok makan ketupat dengan kuih raya 🥺♥️ insyallah bila kay dah dapat figure out plot yang sesuai untuk sambungan squad 23, kay akan announce kat sini, love you guys hehe <3333

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