Part 1

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"DAISY IM SO SICK AND TIRED OF YOU CONTINUOUSLY DISRESPECTING ME AND YOUR FATHER!" Her mother yelled at Daisy because she forgot to wash her fork.


"Mom I was going to do it was I just rushing to get ready for school" daisy explained

"You know what i'm so sick and tired of the disrespect! GET OUT OF MY HOU-"

"D get up!" Mosette yelled

"What, dude why are you waking me up?" Daisy asked rubbing her eyes propped up on one arm

"Well gee let me think about it, maybe because its 12pm and we need to get ready before Ms.Elaina comes." Mosette says and Daisy sighs

"Man this camp sucks i wish we were still on the road" Daisy says

"Yeah, but think about it D we get to mess with everyone here and have fun still, like if we were on the road." Mosette says trying to cheer up Daisy

"Yeah I guess" Daisy sighs

"Come on get ready we got things to do" Mosette says to Daisy

*Time Skip*

"Alright ladies and gentlemen we have many fun activities planned for you children this afternoon we are going to be separated by gender and split into groups! You will be with these groups all day! Do you understand?" Ms. Elaina explained and everyone nods in agreement


Everyone runs to the board to see who's in their groups I go check to see who's group i'm in

"Ashley, Kaylee, Nina, and... YES, Daisy and Mosette" I get excited because me and my best friend are together

"Hey Mo were in a group together!" I call out to her

"Of course we are they know they cant separate us" She laughs

"Yeah but we in a group with Laila too" I tell Mo pointing at Laila as she walks up to Ashley and Nina talking to them

"Hey thats fine with me nothing wrong with a little fun, gives us something to do while we are forced to do these boring activities" Mo states with me nodding with agreement

Our heads turn when we hear Ms. Elaina start talking again telling us to find our group


We are all in our groups and me and Daisy are messing around when I see Laila

"Hey D look at what I see, if it isn't the little princess" I say out loud making sure Laila heard us

"Be careful now Mo she might get her knights to come and banish you" Daisy says laughing with me laughing with her

"Don't you guys have something better to do then to mess with people all the time" Laila says while rolling her eyes "Im surprise that your still even here Mosette" she says making sure to say my name slowly because she knows that I hate my government name

"Its Mo" I said sternly now angry with her but she just laughs and walks away

"Man shes never bothered huh" D says shaking her head, I always thought that D had a crush on Laila by the way she always stares at her when she walks into the room

"Yeah whatever" I brush it off and follow the group as they began to walk away


"Don't you guys have something better to do than to mess with people all the time" I say rolling my eyes "Im surprise that your still even here Mosette" I say with a sly smile glancing over at Daisy but quickly looking away back at Mosette as we made eye contact

"Its Mo" Mosette says with anger evident in her voice but I just laugh and walk away trying to hide the panic that was caused when I looked at Daisy, Ive always had a crush on her but was to scared to say anything because I know that she doesn't feel the same way and a heart break is the last thing I need right now

Hours went by and the whole camp is at lunch, I go and sit with my small group of "friends" I don't actually like them they're rude but I rather be here than be alone

This camp is not like any other camp where it just for a little while over summer then you go home there are kids who do that and come back every year because their parents don't want to deal with them over summer, but theres also other kids like me, Mosette, and Daisy who live her because they have no where to go

"Hello Earth to Laila" Ashley says waving her hand in my face

"wha- oh sorry what did you say" I asked

"I wanted to know if you wanted to come to my dorm room after lunch?" She asked

I never liked Ashley she was super fake and talked about everyone behind their backs but I had no one to hang out with "But we still have the field day going on" I say

"Yeah no duh we're ditching, come on dont be boring laila" she says rolling her eyes and the other girls laughing

"Fine" I say giving in

"MOSETTE TO MY OFFICE NOW!" We hear Ms.Elaina scream, and look over to Mosette and Daisy laughing

Welp this is the first chapter I hope you guys enjoyed it! Its pretty short because I just wanted to introduce the main three characters the others will come later on in the story

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