Part 13

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"So, hows sharing a room with Tessa?" I ask Mo, its been a week since we have been staying in this cabin and I feel like I don't see her as much anymore

"Why do you keep asking?" She ask me with an eyebrow raised

"I was just wondering" I say raising both my hands "since you like her and all" I added under my breath


"Since you like her and all" Daisy says under her breath

"I do not like her" I argue even though its a lie

"Rightt" Daisy says back obviously not believing me

"Whatever" I say and before I can add anything else I hear Kenneth yelling

"AYE GUYS COME LOOK!" he shouts from the living room making sure everyone hears

Me and Daisy look at each other confused before getting up and walking out there

As we walk out we see Tessa, Laila, and David, all walk out with confusion evident on their faces

"Whats wrong" David asks Kenneth

'Seven runaways from the ages 12-16 are on the run from the police as one by the name David Johnson currently has an warrant out for his arrest for assaulting an undercover police officer...'

We all hear on the TV, everyone was shocked

"Fuck!" David yells before storming off to his room

'Three out of the seven have been identified as 15 year old Laila hill, 15 year old David Johnson, and 12 year old Steven Johnson, if you have any information on them please reach out...'

"Great," Tessa says "now we cant go out into public" she adds sighing

"The rest of us can those three cant we just need to stay low for awhile this cabin is pretty hidden and we have food to last us awhile so we should be good" Kenneth says not convincing anyone

"Yeah but the cabin isn't far from the city its only a matter of time before they come searching over here" Daisy says the others agreeing

"Until we hear sirens we stay here" he responds

"What the fuck- by the time we hear the sirens it's going to be too late we need to go now!" I say getting upset

"We cant this is freshly on the news if we go out there now everyone is gonna know who we are!" He yells

"Then we just avoid the city!" I argue with him

"No Mo we stay here" He says ending the argument

I sigh and storm off to my room pissed, its too dangerous to stay here we will all just end up caught and David will be arrested

I lay on my bed when someone walks in and sits on the edge of my bed


Im not gonna lie i'm scared

I was about to go and check on Mo when Tessa got up and followed her

I was still going to go but Laila grabbed my arm

"Let Tessa" she said


"Let Tessa" I tell Daisy holding her arm

"why" she asks

A few days ago me and Tessa were talking and she finally admits she like Mo, well it was an accident but I already knew, she promised me not to tell Daisy though

"Because I want you with me" I tell her which wasn't a lie seeing my face and hearing my name on the news was bothering

"okay" she sits back down between me and Kenneth who had his head in his hands "it'll all be okay" Daisy says but wasn't enough to convince me

i'm scared


I walked into our room to see Mo laying in her bed face down

I walk over to her and sit on the edge of her bed and before I can even say anything she speaks

"I don't wanna fucking hear it D" She says still mad at the small argument with Kenneth, she has some real anger issues

"Good thing i'm not Daisy" I say back and she turns around to face me

"what do you want" she says with a straight face

"This is my room too remember" I say with a small chuckle

"Not your bed though" she says and turns back around

I roll my eyes at her even though she cant see me "We're gonna be okay" I tell her she just lays there with no response

"They are going to search the city before they search what's around it, that gives us a good week or two" I tell her trying to easy her mind

"Then we get caught" she adds

"Not if we leave before we get to that point" I respond

"You heard Kenny we're staying here" she said obviously still mad at that argument

"Yeah because we have time Mo, and we cant just act spontaneously anymore we have to think everything through from now on" I say causing her to turn and lay on her back

"Im scared," she says her face changing to worried "not for me but for D" she adds even though I know shes scared for herself as well

"I know i'm scared too" I say laying next to her

We just lay there in silence, both lost in thought


"Fuck!" I yell before storming off to my room

I open the door and walked to see Stevie sleeping

I walked in and sat next to him I couldn't help it but to cry, I cant get arrested I have to look out for Stevie Im all he has left

Its all my fault I shouldn't have punched the cop but he had my baby brother and I would do anything to make sure he's safe

I look down at Stevie to see him look up at me

"Why are you crying? you never cry" he says breaking my heart more, im supposed to be strong for him and im failing him

"Nothing Stevie just a little sad" I tell him trying to make him worry even though i'm scared

Uh oh yall think they should stay hidden in the cabin or leave?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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