Part 2

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I wake up earlier than Daisy like usually and walk to her bed to wake her up. We share a dorm room because we don't like to be separated her bed is across the room on the opposite side from mine the we have a desk by each bed.

Right when I was going to wake her up i see that shes having another nightmare, shes been having them a lot lately. They're always about her getting kicked out of her house


As i'm walking up to Daisy house so we can walk to school together I hear yelling

"You know what i'm so sick and tired of the disrespect! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE DAISY AND DON'T COME BACK!" Her mom yells

Right when I was about to open the door Daisy comes running out and bumps into me

"Daisy?! what happened!" I asked

she was crying "Sh-she kicked me out" she cries "I don't want to be here no more Mo"

"Hey hey its ok" I try to calm her down "We will leave ok we will go together" I tell her

"Ok" She says trying to calm her breathing, I hug her letting her know that I'm with her

I look up to see her mom looking at us though the window anger evident in her eyes "Lets go D"


I sigh as the memories come back then continue to walk over to Daisy to wake her up

"D come on you gotta get up now" I say waking her up

"Ok, ok i'm up" she says but rolls over staying in bed

"you gotta get ready so we can meet up with everyone else" I say she nods and gets gets up

*Time skip*

Were spit into the same groups as yesterday for whatever reason, I wasn't paying attention to the boring lecture that ms. Elaina was giving

Everyone starts to get up and leave in groups "Hey D what are we doing" I ask her

"Uh I think we are having a part two to the field day?" She says more of a question

"You guys never listen huh?" We hear behind us causing us to turn around to see Laila

"Well I would Listen if Ms. Annoying wasn't, well wasn't annoying" I say cause Laila to shake her head and walk away

"Hey imma go with the group you coming?" Daisy asks

"Nah I got better things to do" I say

"Alright" Daisy responds and walks away


As I walk away from Mosette I run to catch up to Laila. I have a crush on her but I never told Mosette because I don't know how she will react we always made fun of Laila since we been here all three of us came to the camp the same day and that was about over a year ago

"Hey" I say to Laila she turns to look at me and she looks shocked to see me talking to her but then her face goes back to normal

"Came to bother me some more?" She ask

"Nope" thats all I say and she looks at me confused

"Then what do you want?" She ask rolling her eyes

"What I cant just talk to you?" I ask

"Well you and Mosette have been messing with me ever since we met and now you wanna just talk?" she says

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