Part 10

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Its been a week since what happened and I miss Joseph, but its his faults what happened if he would have just love me and forgot about Laila then none of this would have happened

Right now i'm trying to get Elaina put in jail so I look like I care but in reality I could give less of a fuck what happens to Laila she made my life miserable and she made me kill her father

"Hello how can I help you" the desk lady asked me

"Hi I'm here to press charges on Elaina Williams for child abandonment" I tell the nice lady

"Ok and do you have any proof to press these charges" She asks me

"Yes my daughter went to her camp, Happy Hopes and she lost my daughter" I tell her

"Ok and was this on purpose?" she ask me

"Uh no my daughter ran away but it there are two other kids that ran away as well" I tell her

"Ok um Ma'am I don't think that is child abandonment if your daughter is the one that ran away" She tells me

"Well Im sure there something I can do it is completely unacceptable that she lost three children and isn't in any trouble" I tell her

"Ok I will see what I can do I just need your email and phone number so I can contact you" She tells me and I give her my information

"Ok thank you have a nice day" She say

"Thank you, you too" I say back


"What?! Its not my fault that they ran away" I tell my lawyer

"I know but theres really nothing we can do you can serve up to three years into prison if you lose" He tells me

"And how are we going to fight against this" I ask him

"I don't know but the hearing is in two weeks" He tells me as he walks out my office

What am I supposed to do now theres no way i'm going to win this

*Time skip*


Right now i'm currently in court trying to get Elaina in jail

"And Ma'am where is your husband?" The judge asked me causing my heart to drop

"Uh he's out if town right now he's been stressed and needed time to himself" I tell her and she nods believing what I told her

*Time skip*

"Ms. Elaina Williams under all review and evidence held against you you are hereby deemed guilty" The judge said banging her gavel "You will serve two years in prison" she said my team silently cheered because we won and I looked over to see Elaina sobbing in her hands while two police men walk up to her


"Ma'am is there anyone you want to run the camp while your gone?" My lawyer asked me

"I don't have anyone just make sure you pick someone good" I tell them and the nod and walk away

I was pulled up and put into handcuffs and walked out of the court room


I made it home and walk inside and back out into my back yard

"Honey guess what I won the case, Elaina has two years in prison" I said out loud sitting in a chair right next to where I buried him

"I wish you were here to celebrate this amazing moment you would have loved it because you care so much about Laila I love it because no suspects anything of me" I kept talking "And i made Laila famous shes all over the news so many people out looking for her right now you would've been so happy you probably would want to take me back" I continue to talk to myself

"The judge asked me where you were I told her you were out of town but in reality your buried in our backyard" I said laughing lightly

"I miss you but I have to move on I cant keep talking to the ground" I said sighing "but don't worry honey i will never forget you and i will bring your daughter back to you" I finished before getting up

Im glad I had my lawyer bribe the Judge to let me win I probably would have lost if I didn't

I was walking back inside just cleaning up a bit when I heard a knock on my door, I walked to go open

"Hey Kelly long time no see" The familiar woman said at my door

"Hey Jessica is there something I can help you with" I asked her

"Um I just wanted to know if you knew that Laila was going to run away?" She asked me

"No I didn't why?" I ask her back

"Uh well because Tessa ran away from foster care and I just wanted to see my baby so I was wondering if you knew where they were or if they were together" She told me

"Oh no I didn't even know Tessa ran away those girls are always in some trouble" I tell her

"Yeah well sorry to bother you but I should get going" She tells me and walks away I close the door and continue on with my day, she didn't look so worried about Tessa running away shes up to something


I need to find her, she needs to see how happy I am without her, I don't care about her but she made my life miserable I couldn't find anyone who wanted me because I was a single mom now Im married and pregnant she needs to see that people are better off without her she just ruins peoples life and makes everyone miserable no wonder why her father didn't stay If I was able to do what he did I would have to now he's married and have two children of his own and he's happy because shes not there

"Ow" I heard as I accidentally bump into a small girl with long black hair she was walking with a taller girl with curly hair

"Yo come on pay attention to where your walking" the girl with curly hair said

"Mo calm down" The girl I bumped into whispered to her

"Im sorry Im just a little stuck in my head today" I said with a fake smile

"Well get unstuck from your head" The curly haired girl said

"Its ok, I'm sorry about her" The young girl said

"Whatever Lets go" The curly haired girl said pulling the black haired girl

Teens are very disrespectful to adults now a days I can't imagine being that rude to someone if i was anyone else that could have ruined my day but no one ever pays attention to how what they say makes the other person feel

Just imagine being that rude to someone, they did look slightly familiar though


Jessica is Tessas mom if you didn't catch on

Jessica 35:

Jessica 35:

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