Part 5

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"WHOS IN THERE! COME OUT NOW!" I heard someone yell causing me to wake up

"Shit" I whispered getting up but staying low and walking over to Laila and Daisy

"D, Laila get up there's someone out side" I said shaking them both

"Dad I really did see them in there" I heard a kid say

"D get up now!" I whispered yell

"What dude" she said clearly upset because I woke her up

"They know were in her we gotta go" I tell her still whispering

"What, ok ok we got to go" she said like I didn't already know that


Daisy quickly shook Laila waking her up "what happened" she asked

"Theres a man out side we got to go" Daisy whispered cause Laila to shoot up

"Really oh my gosh did he see us?" She asked slightly panicking

"No he wont come in I think he's scared" I said laughing causing Daisy to hit me

"Dad go get them" The little boy said

"No they might have weapons" The man outside responded

"Ok we need to find a way out" Daisy said

We looked around and didn't see anything to help us escape then we heard sirens in the distance

"Damn it we gotta go now just run and jump the fence were out of time" I said

We all run out the barn running towards the barbed wired fence and jumped it I was surprised when I seen Laila make the jump but then again the adrenaline rush can make you do crazy things

We kept running then ran into a forest/woods type thing we ran a little more before slowly down to a walking pace

"That was close" Laila says

Me and Daisy look at each other with big smiles on our face then high five each other

"Dang Mo we haven't done something like that in so long" Daisy said "I forgot how fun it was" it was clear that she was happy to go back to living like this

Many people probably think that it's weird to like living like this but when you actually do it and experience it the adrenaline rush you feel and being able do you whatever you want it would change your mind

Me and Daisy both grew up in toxic homes so this freedom we feel is the closest thing we know that feels like home thats why we enjoy it so much

"We gotta stop for food Mo" Daisy reminds me

The only part difficult about being on the road is getting money to get things we need like food

"I know I will figure something out" I said

I kept walking looking for something that will help out so we Dont have to keep walking. As we were going further into the forest Daisy spots something

"Hey look its a cabin" she said pointing ahead if us

It was a small cabin that looks like no one has been there for a while it would help to let us rest for a while but we will have to keep moving because were still to close to camp

"This can work" I said

We walk to the cabin but the door was locked

"Great now what are we supposed to do-" Laila says but I cut her off when I threw a rock at the window

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