Chapter 13: Stubborn

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"Are you sure you'll be okay staying here?" My mom asked as she cupped Bryce's cheeks and stared worriedly at her then looked up at me and Santana. "Are you sure this is okay?" Bryce sent me an eye roll before turning to an already nodding Santana.

"Of course it is!" I answered with a shrug. "I mean, it's only for a few days. She'll be fine." My mom eyed me nervously. "Really mom, it's cool. She can hang out with Quinn while I'm working or she can come to the studio with me; up to her." I said reassuringly. "My boss is super nice and she let's me do pretty much whatever I want." I smirked and sent a wink in Santana's direction. My mom just laughed and shook her head at us before my dad walked over with their luggage.

"She still treating you like a baby?" My dad teased as he set his and on my mom's shoulder and smiled at Bryce. Bryce just nodded with a groan. "Well that's because you are a baby.." He joked and pinched at her cheek. She laughed and tried swatting away his hand but was too slow. "I'm only joking, kiddo." He laughed and then turned to me. "But seriously, keep an eye on your sister. She's never experienced the big city before, don't lose her."

"I won't.." I groaned for the millionth time this morning. "I'll buy one of those backpack leash things and a tracking device and a gps and a collar and a-"

"Oh God." My mom laughed before turning to Santana with a gleaming smile. "Keep an eye on both of them, please?" Santana just grinned from ear to ear before nodding and curling an arm around my waist.

"Of course, I won't let them out of my sight."

My parents both smiled at the three of us before giving out goodbye hugs and turning to head down their gate to fly back to Ohio. Since Bryce was out of school already, we thought it would be cool if she could stay here for the next few days and fly back to Ohio with us since we were going to head home to my parent's house anyway for the fourth of July weekend. We headed back out to the parking garage and hopped into Santana's shiny black 1987 Mustang.

"I'll never get tired of sliding into this baby, this car is freaking sweet!" Bryce cheered as I brought the seat forward and let her get in the back.

"Yeah, well, what can I say? I like to ride in style." Santana teased as she reached for her aviators and slipped them on. I just shook my head at her; she really did love this car, it was practically her baby, well, aside from me anyway. "Where to?"

"Go ahead, Bryce, you're the terrorist."

"Tourist!" Bryce corrected me with a laugh, "But-uh-could we get some coffee or something? It's still pretty early for me and I don't think I'm even awake right now like is this real life?" I glanced over at the clock on the dashboard.

"It's 11:45?" Santana laughed, "That's late even for me."

"Well I'm a teenager, this is my life." Bryce replied with a giggle, "Plus it's summer.."

"Alright, she needs caffeine stat! To The Coffee Shop!" I answered then slipped on my hot pink ray bands and tossed a toothy grin to Santana who just reved the engine and wiggled her brows at me. "Damn, you're so hot in those glasses." I sighed and began leaning over to her until Bryce started making gagging noises.

"Can you guys not?" She laughed, "I swear, you two are constantly sucking face. Do you need to breathe?"

"Nope!" I teased and stuck my tongue out at her before placing a quick kiss to San's cheek and buckling myself in. After about a 20 minute ride, we were dropping coins in the meter and heading up to the door all while dodging a few camera flashes. Santana and I were pretty used to it by now, being constantly followed, it was sort of like a part of life now, but for Bryce it was pretty new. "And this is the door San used to hit me in the face and give me a nose bleed." I said casually as I reached for the handle and motioned for Bryce to walk in but she just stared at us both with wide eyes as flashes continued to surround us.

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