Chapter 16: Secrets

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November 2015;

"Baby, wake up!" I chirped as I tossed off the blankets from my legs and sat up on the edge of the bed. I looked over at the clock on the night stand; 3 hours till we have to go to the airport. This would be the first year that my parents and Bryce are actually spending Thanksgiving here and it's the first year Quinn and Bella will be visiting Sam's parents so they won't be attending. I stretched my arms and twisted my back before leaning back down on the bed to give Santana a nudge. "Babe, if you don't wake up now you won't have enough time to get ready.."

"Mm, I sleepy.." She mumbled and burrowed further into her pillow. A small smile crept up on her lips as she curled her hands around the edge of the comforter and brought it closer to her chin. I hovered over her a minute longer, letting my hand rest on her hip as I smiled lovingly down at her; why does she have to be so cute when she's asleep? I just couldn't make her get up especially when she looked so comfortable all wrapped up like that, she'd be so sad.

"Fine, I'll give you 10 more minutes." I sighed and kissed the little sliver of bare shoulder that she had poking out from under the blankets and pushed myself off the bed. I walked straight for the bathroom, deciding that I'd go ahead and start the shower while I make San some coffee. She doesn't usually drink it on the weekends, but I think she's going to need it today. After setting up the coffee machine with one of her favorite blends, I was back in our bathroom stripping from my pajamas and pushing open the steam covered shower door. I was only standing under the stream for about 5 minutes when I saw the shower door slide open from the corner of my eye followed by tanned arms curling around my waist, hugging me from behind. I smiled down at her hands before overlapping them with my own, "Awh, you're a whole two minutes early, I'm so proud."

"Yeah, well..I feel like I'm still asleep.." She muttered as she pressed her cheek to my shoulder blade and leaned into me. "So so tired."

"Huh, and whose fault is that?" I giggled as I spun around to face her then cradled her face in my hands. I was blocking the stream of water from hitting her so she was able to look up at me without getting blinded. She bit down on her bottom lip in that guilty way she does then shrugged innocently.

"Not mine."

"Oh yeah, sure!" I laughed as I dropped my hands from her cheeks and let them fall to her hips. "I'm pretty sure you screaming babe don't fucking stop has something to do with you not getting enough sleep." She just rolled her eyes and pushed me back so that she was under the shower head.

"I just don't see how you're not tired.." She sighed as she let the water run over her body, "I'm pretty sure you went to sleep after me too."

"Stamina, baby, I've got it." I winked as I stepped closer to her so that we were both under the stream. "It takes lost of practice; you'll get there one day." She rolled her eyes again at me as she tugged me closer by my waist.

"Practice, huh?" She smirked.

"Mhm." I nodded, "I know a really good way to wake you up if you're that sleepy still." I said, my voice growing husky sounding as I took another step forward so that she was pressed up against the wall. She quirked a brow as I planted my hands against the wall to the sides of her head then slowly leaned in, leaving just an inch of space between our lips. "It doesn't involve coffee either, though I did make you som-" She cut me off by closing the distance and trailing her hands up my spine, stopping at the middle of my back before moving them up further until she was resting at my shoulder blades. Our lips molded together as her hands kept pressing into my back, pulling me so that our bodies were completely flush. I dropped my hands from the shower wall and slipped them between our bodies to smooth down her chest, moving so slowly, memorizing how her wet skin felt beneath my finger tips, that she started leaning into my touch, causing me to smirk and press her back down. She let out a desperate moan at my actions, but being the stubborn girl she is, she tried bucking into me again.

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