Chapter 21: Grammys

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February 2016, Night Before Grammys;

"Thanks for coming with me, Q, I really didn't want to be alone with this." I said to the blonde across from me as we waited in the diner down the street from The Coffee Shop. "God, I hope she won't get mad.." She looked to me with a soft smile and nodded slowly.

"Of course, Britt, I know this might be a little tough but I think San will appreciate what you're trying to do for her. And if she doesn't, call me over, I'll beat it into her."

"Quinn.." I sighed as a smile crept on to my lips.

"I'm kidding, Britt, you'd kill me if I did that." Quinn replied with a laugh as she looked around the semi-full diner. "What's he look like any-Oh, never mind, I think I see him over there." She said lowly, nodding behind me, and as much as I wanted to turn and look, I couldn't move. I had set up this little meeting with San's dad without San knowing so that I could really see if he's changed and so I could give him the passes, but I still felt a bit nervous being alone with him just in case things got heated; that's what Quinn's here for. Actually, she offered to come with me after I told her about my plan. She said that she cares about Santana just as much and when she heard about how her dad treated us so long ago, she wanted to pounce. But if he's civil with me then he'll be fine with Santana and Quinn. Things seem to be off to a great start already since he agreed to this little meeting without much of a protest. Finally I gathered up enough courage to turn around since he's never seen Quinn before, I don't think, so he wouldn't be able to spot me. Once I turned, our eyes instantly met and for the first time, he actually smiled at me. It wasn't a big toothy grin, but a smile none the less. I tossed up my hand to wave and he nodded back as he briskly made his way over to our table.

"Hi, you found us." I greeted him in a joking tone to maybe ease up the tension that had settle around us. He gave a breathy laugh and nodded as he pulled up a chair at the end of the table so that he was between Quinn and I.

"Yeah, sorry I'm a little late, it's been awhile since I've walked the streets of New York, but I'm glad I still know a little something." He replied with a shrug. "Though I did turn down the wrong block a couple streets back, but I made it."

"Well, that's good." I nodded as we both smiled awkwardly to each other. "Oh, this is Quinn, she's sort of my sister, but not really." I said and gestured to Quinn who gave him a polite smile.

"Nice to meet you, Quinn, Emilio." He replied as he gave her hand a shake.

"Pleasure." She answered shortly. We ordered a couple drinks before I presented the passes that he and Gloria will have to show when they arrive at the Radio City Music Hall tomorrow night.

"Uhm, these are the passes." I said as I laid the two on the table, but kept my hand on top of them. He looked to me, his brown eyes softening as he glanced down at my hand covering the passes then back up to meet my gaze."But before I give them to you, I want to make sure you know how important this event is for Santana. She's worked very very hard to get where she is and she should be surrounded by people who are in full support of her. If I could have my way, I would just shut you out of our lives forever, but like I told Gloria, that isn't me. I just need you to know that all Santana has ever wanted is your approval. The career she's made for herself isn't some little childish dream, it's her life. She's gained all this success on her own, she made this name for herself and it was not easy." I said, surprised that my voice kept steady and even as I spoke. "All she wanted was your support, for you to be proud of her; her accomplishments a-and-" I stammered as I stared down at the passes then looked back up at Emilio to see his brows furrowing in the same way Santana does when she's in deep thought. I looked over to Quinn thinking maybe I've overstepped some boundary or something; who am I to tell a father how to treat his daughter right? But she just smiled proudly and nodded for me to continue. "And her relationship." I added confidently. "She wants her parents to be a part of her life, but she can't have that happen if they don't even approve of her fiancée." He let out a deep sigh as he stared down at the table and shook his head guiltily. "Though she likes to pretend what you say doesn't matter, it really does. It almost matters too much, and I find her pushing herself harder and harder but for what? You made it clear that you didn't want her to be a part of your family anymore." I felt my throat closing up just remembering how tight I had to hold San after her dad disowned her. She was so broken and just thinking of that made me want to reach across the table and punch him square in the face for making San so upset. But I couldn't do that, not when this meeting is based on forgiveness. "From what little stories she used to tell me, I know that the both of you were once really close." He pressed his lips together forming a frown and nodded to me slowly. "I know she misses that connection and just by looking at you right now, I can tell you do too."

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